James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joseph Kent, 11 February 1814 (Abstract)

From Joseph Kent, 11 February 1814 (Abstract)

§ From Joseph Kent. 11 February 1814. “Hoping that it is your intention to select a character from Maryland to supply the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Mr. Rush, I take the liberty of mentioning to you John Johnson Esqr., one of the judges of our supreem Court, a gentlemen of acknowledged talents and great legal acquirements.

“No one stands higher in his native state than Mr. Johnson, no one deserves more of the Genl. Govt. & but few are better able to serve it.

“Shou’d you think of Mr. J. for this station, I must beg leave to refer you to Judge Duvall who is intimately acquainted with him.”

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1809–17, filed under “Johnson”). 1 p.

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