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Results 8431-8460 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Accounts from Holland and France are very discouraging: So much so that it would be imprudent...
84321780. Feb. 1. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined Yesterday, at the Hotel D’Angleterre, with Mr. Maccartey, Mr. Delap, Mr. Vernon, Mr....
I recd last night your favour of the 18th. Judge Cushing called here yesterday in his Way to...
Our George has gained the first prize—and bares his honour meekly—He is a dutiful Son, for he is...
8435[Fryday Feb. 16. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday Feb. 16. 1776. Agreable to the order of the day, the Congress resolved itself into a...
Since I have had Opportunity to converse, a little in this Country, and to read a few Gazettes, I...
Mr. A. setts off, to day, if the Rain should not prevent him, with Coll. Whipple of Portsmouth: a...
The long continuance of the session, and the uncommon heat and drought of the Weather have made...
I have particular reasons—for asking the favour of you to inform me—in what year you wrote those...
84401775 Sept. 16. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Walking to the Statehouse this Morning, I met Mr. Dickinson, on Foot in Chesnut Street. We met,...
Never in my whole Life, was my Heart affected with such Emotions and Sensations, as were this Day...
I received yesterday, your favour of the 9. The Vessell you inquire after, is from Baltimore....
Last night I had the honor of yours of the 23d. and 26th. Ulto. If it should be convenient for...
I thank you for this Address presented to me by your Representative in Congress Mr Baer. The...
Questions concerning the possible grounds of dissatisfaction on the part of France against the...
Yours of the 20th. Ultimo is before me. I am much obliged to you for it, and most heartily wish...
I find the People this Way, under very disagreable Apprehensions, about Paper Currency. The...
84481772 Decr. 20. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Dr. Chauncey in the Morning upon these Words “As Paul reasoned of Righteousness,...
Know all Men by these Presents, That I John Adams of Quincy Do make, constitute and appoint...
I have recd your two Letters, and Should be glad to do you any Service in my Power. I will...
8451[Thursday Feb. 22. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Thursday Feb. 22. 1776. Two Letters from General Washington, were referred to a Committee of the...
I received your friendly letter of the 30 July a few days ago. The People of America in general...
I last night rec d. y r: favor of the 12 th. and I must repeat to you that I still persist in a...
I have the Honour to inclose to Congress, the latest News Papers: As they contain the Speech at...
The United States to John Adams Dr: To four hundred Dollars, stolen out of my Chest at Dr:...
You must expect for the Future, to find in me, Situated as I am by a blissfull Fireside,...
8457Sunday [26 April]. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home.
84581771. Saturday June 8th. (Adams Papers)
Bissill says, there are Settlements, upon this River, for 300 Miles— i.e. from Seabrook Saybrook...
The enclosed very respectable recommendations from Mr Senator Green, Mr Edmund Trowbridge Ellery,...
8460Monday May 26. (Adams Papers)
I hope for News to day, from the Hague. Probably concerning the sailing date of P. J. van...