Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Meredith, 13 September 1789

To Samuel Meredith

Treasury Office
New York September 13th. 1789.


Permit me to congratulate you on your appointment as Treasurer of the United States, and to assure you of the pleasure I feel in anticipating your co-operation with me in a station, in which a character like yours is so truly valuable.

I need not observe to you how important it is, that you should be on the ground as speedily as possible. The call for your presence you will be sensible, is urgent.

Mr. Duer,1 my assistant goes to Philadelphia to procure a Loan from the Bank there.2 He will communicate with you; and I am persuaded will meet with your concurrence in whatever may facilitate the object of his mission.

With sincere esteem,   I am, Sir   Your Obedt. servt.

Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of the Treasury.

Saml. Meredith Esqr.
Treasurer of the U: States.

LS, Mr. Alexander Hamilton, New York City.

1William Duer was Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, 1789–1790.

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