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Results 8371-8400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
8371 Mayo, Frederick A. Jefferson, Thomas Frederick A. Mayo to Thomas Jefferson, 15 March 1822 1822-03-15 I obtained Johnson ’s Dictionary , ( and the only one I could find) it is bound in common Sheep;...
8372 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 15 March … 1822-03-15 Do not give up the bonds to Morrison . your right to them is sound. Col o Nicholas covenanted to...
8373 Madison, James Van Rensselaer, Stephen From James Madison to Stephen Van Rensselaer, 14 March … 1822-03-14 I recd. some time ago the copy of the geological & agricultural Survey which you were so obliging...
8374 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 14 March 1822 1822-03-14 I have had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 6 th , & to forward that to D r Morse...
8375 Barry, William Taylor Adams, John To John Adams from William Taylor Barry, 13 March 1822 1822-03-13 We take the liberty of addressing you on one of the most important interests of society, the...
8376 Barry, William T. Madison, James To James Madison from William T. Barry and Others, 13 … 1822-03-13 We take the liberty of addressing you on one of the most important interests of society, the...
8377 Adams, John Delaplaine, Joseph From John Adams to Joseph Delaplaine, 12 March 1822 1822-03-12 I thank you kindly for the Portrate of Mr Jay, which I very much admire, it is a great likeness...
8378 Cathcart, James Leander Adams, John To John Adams from James Leander Cathcart, 12 March … 1822-03-12 Pardon the liberty I take, after so great a lapse of time, to obtrude myself on your retirement,...
8379 Jay, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jay, 11 March 1822 1822-03-11 Considering the Attention you have heretofore paid to constitutions of Government, I presume it...
8380 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Charles Francis From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Charles Francis … 1822-03-11 I know why it is but I write with so much difficulty and feel so much averse to undertake it I am...
8381 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 11 … 1822-03-11 I yesterday received your Letter and was very much concerned to observe the depression of spirits...
8382 Clay, Henry Adams, John Quincy From Henry Clay to John Quincy Adams, 11 March 1822 1822-03-11 Mr. Clay has the pleasure to accept the invitation of Mr. Adams and Mrs Adams to dinner on...
8383 Welsh, Harriet Adams, John To John Adams from Harriet Welsh, 11 March 1822 1822-03-11 Having met with the answer & recantation of Campbell the poet to Mr. Everett and being pleased I...
8384 Madison, James Gilpin, Joshua From James Madison to Joshua Gilpin, 11 March 1822 1822-03-11 Your favour of Feby 8. with the little volume on the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, were so long...
8385 Wills, Andrew Jefferson, Thomas Andrew Wills to Thomas Jefferson, 11 March 1822 1822-03-11 Having been engaged, for some time, in the study of Scientific Grammar, I have experienced...
8386 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 10 March … 1822-03-10 I have received your No 19, 24, Feby. When I recollect the freedom of speech, which I indulged,...
8387 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 10 March 1822 1822-03-10 Contrary to my established habit for many years I must now become an intercessor for a candidate....
8388 Madison, James Everett, Edward From James Madison to Edward Everett, 9 March 1822 1822-03-09 I have recd. with your letter of Feby. 14. the volume on “Europe” for which I am indebted to the...
8389 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 9 March 1822 1822-03-09 I have had the pleasure to recieve your letter with one from Mr Lee, and regret that you should...
8390 Bacon, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, 9 March 1822 1822-03-09 Will you be so good as to let me no how much oats will be wanting to be bought as an Oppertunity...
8391 Jefferson, Thomas Baldwin, Roger Sherman Thomas Jefferson to Roger Sherman Baldwin, 9 March 1822 1822-03-09 I have duly recieved your letter of Feb. 24 . and am sorry it is in my power to furnish no other...
8392 Jefferson, Thomas Cooper, Thomas Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 9 March 1822 1822-03-09 Your favor of Feb. 14. came to hand on the 3 d inst. with the Address to the Medical board, which...
8393 Jefferson, Thomas Cosby, Dabney Thomas Jefferson to Dabney Cosby, 9 March 1822 1822-03-09 I did not answer your letter of Feb. 28. immediately on it’s reciept because I knew that efforts...
8394 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas Arthur S. Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, 7 March … 1822-03-07 Giacomo Raggi has worked, within six weeks of the time specified by contract including the lost...
8395 Clinton, DeWitt Jefferson, Thomas DeWitt Clinton to Thomas Jefferson, 7 March 1822 1822-03-07 I have the pleasure of transmitting to You a report relative to the State of our Canals. I also...
8396 Randolph, Martha Jefferson Trist, Nicholas Philip Extract from Martha Jefferson Randolph to Nicholas P. … 1822-03-07 I mentioned to Jefferson your idea of removing the negroes to a country where they would be so...
8397 Rush, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Rush, 6 March 1822 1822-03-06 Your favor of the 20th of November got to hand in January. The letters which it enclosed for Mr...
8398 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1822 1822-03-06 I returned on 3 d ins t to my family at this place , after having experienced the mortification...
8399 Godman, John Davidson Jefferson, Thomas John D. Godman and John P. Foote to Thomas Jefferson, 6 … 1822-03-06 The first number of the Western Quarterly Reporter, is forwarded to you by the mail that conveys...
8400 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 6 March 1822 1822-03-06 I do not know by what individuals the association was formed which is the subject of the inclosed...