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Results 8341-8370 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
8341 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 April 1777 1777-04-19 We have now an ample Representation from N. York. It consists of Six Delegates, and they are to...
8342 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 17 April 1826 1826-04-17 Your letter of March 25th. has been a cordial to me, and the more consoling as it was brought by...
8343 Adams, John [December 1778] 1778-12-02 Captn. Bernard. Says There are Two hundred and Thirty Sail of Merchand Ships lying at the Mother...
8344 Adams, John Fryday 14th. 1766-03-14 Yesterday and to day the severest Storm of Snow, we have had this Year.
8345 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 18 April 1787 1787-04-18 Mr. Mortimer the Bearer of this Letter, is a Gentleman of Letters, and although little known to...
8346 Adams, John Pickering, Timothy From John Adams to Timothy Pickering, 12 June 1798 1798-06-12 The Secretary of the Department of War being absent from the seat of government, I do hereby, in...
8347 Adams, John Lovell, James From John Adams to James Lovell, 16 July 1789 1789-07-16 There is no such point in dispute, as that you mention in your favour of the 9 th. The only...
8348 Adams, John United States Senate From John Adams to United States Senate, 10 February … 1797-02-10 In Consequence of the Declaration made yesterday in the Chamber of the H of Representatives of...
8349 Adams, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Adams, 2 February 1783 1783-02-02 AL : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Mr Adams having Something of...
8350 Adams, John [May 19. 1778.] 1778-05-19 May 19. 1778. We wrote to Congress, and to the Count De Vergennes. We have the Honor to inclose a...
8351 Adams, John Varick, Richard From John Adams to Richard Varick, 22 July 1790 1790-07-22 I received Yesterday the Letter you did me the honour to write me, Soliciting Permission for M r...
8352 Adams, John Luzac, Jean From John Adams to Jean Luzac, 30 November 1780 1780-11-30 Your kind Favour of the 24 with the two elegant Copies of the Pensees I have received, with...
8353 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 13 February 1796 1796-02-13 I have only time to inform you that Monday and Thursday have passed away without bringing me a...
8354 Adams, John 2 Monday. 1756-02-02 Wrote to John Wentworth by Coll. Josiah Willard. Spent the Eve, sup’d and lodg’d at Major...
8355 Adams, John Cerisier, Antoine Marie From John Adams to Antoine Marie Cerisier, 16 October … 1783-10-16 Monsieur the Abby de Mably has prepared for the Press, some Observations upon our American...
8356 Adams, John Motion on Gunning Bedford, 12 June 1777 1777-06-12 Resolved that the Freedom of Speech and Debate in Congress ought not to be impeached or...
8357 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 5 November 1785 1785-11-05 The Chevalier De Pinto, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, from Portugal, after a...
8358 Adams, John [July 1761] 1761-07-07 Dined at Deacon Hills, with Sam Quincy and his Bride, and with Mr. Cushing a Representative of...
8359 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 14 April 1776 1776-04-14 You justly complain of my short Letters, but the critical State of Things and the Multiplicity of...
8360 Adams, John Lowell, John From John Adams to John Lowell, 21 September 1779 1779-09-21 I am uncertain whether you said you should sett off for Philadelphia on Wednesday or Thursday,...
8361 Adams, John [July 1770] 1770-07-01 Arose early at Paul Dudley Woodbridge’s. A cloudy morning. Took a Walk to the Pasture, to see how...
8362 Adams, John Dexter, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Dexter, 12 September 1800 1800-09-12 Applications like those enclosed from Mr Francis More, recommended by the select men of...
8363 Adams, John Cranch, Richard John Adams to Richard Cranch, 20 March 1786 1786-03-20 In a Letter to R. R. Livingston, Secretary of state for foreign Affairs, dated The Hague July 23....
8364 Adams, John Adams, Thomas Boylston John Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 27 January 1801 1801-01-27 You have it right in yours of 22 d. — A Rivalry between George Cabbot and Elbridge Gerry, for the...
8365 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 10 January 1810 1810-01-10 I thank you for your favour of Decr 25 And the Extracts inclosed. I regret the loss of your Visit...
8366 Adams, John Tuesday. 18th. 1766-03-18 Went to Weymouth, found the Family mourning the Loss, and preparing for the Funeral of old...
8367 Adams, John Force, Peter From John Adams to Peter Force, 1825 to 1829 1825-01-01 Mr Elliot has sent to ask permission to have a copy of the Message, so as to put it in his...
8368 Adams, John [Tuesday the Seventeenth of February 1778] 1778-02-17 On Tuesday the Seventeenth of February 1778 I set a Lesson to my Son in Chambauds French Grammar...
8369 Adams, John Everett, Alexander Hill From John Adams to Alexander Hill Everett, 24 August … 1811-08-24 The Pamphlet I sent You was written in the Boston Gazette between the first Congress in 1774 and...
8370 Adams, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Adams, 6 June 1783 1783-06-06 L : American Philosophical Society Mr: Adams’ Compliments wait on Dr: Franklin, in return to his...