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Results 83231-83240 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am informed that the commissioners for settling a general cartel are returned without affecting any thing and that it is not probable a general cartel will be soon agreed on. Can we not with propriety go into a partial exchange as heretofore? It is particularly hard for many of the foreign officers to be held prisoners of war they are deranged and wish to return to Europe where they can be...
I thank you My Dear Sir for yours by the post. Yesterday I communicated to Duer our situation which I presume he will have communicated to you. It remains exactly the same, no further question having been taken. I fear the footing mentioned in my letter to Duer is the best upon which it can be placed; but every thing possible will yet be attempted to bring the party from that stand to an...
Mr Owen, the eminent philanthropist of New Lanark, in Scotland, being about to visit the United States, I beg leave to put into his hands this letter to you. Without giving an opinion on the feasibility of all his plans for improving the condition of human society, I can only say that all agree that they are full of benevolence, and that good has already resulted from them in some places. By...
Since mine of Aug. 22. I have recieved your favors of Aug. 16. Sep. 2. 14. 15. and—and mrs Adams’s of Sep. 20. I now send you, according to your request a copy of the Syllabus. to fill up this skeleton with arteries, with veins, with nerves, muscles and flesh, is really beyond my time and information. whoever could undertake it would find great aid in Enfield’s judicious abridgement of...
It is six years since the paper money of New England has ceased to circulate as money. It is considered at present as making a part of the National debt, and that the holders of it will be entitled to receive from the public as much gold or silver as the paper money would have bought at the time it was received by the holder with an interest of 6. per cent. per annum. But as yet no precise...
Th:J. sends to mr Gallatin the draught of his message to Congress which he prays him to revise both as to substance & form, and to favor him with his amendments or strictures freely adhibited, & with as little delay as he can, because it is proposed to be submitted to each gentleman singly in the first instance, and then to a meeting, which will involve time. RC ( NHi : Gallatin Papers);...
LS : Archives de la Marine; copy: Library of Congress I am under the greatest Uneasiness to find, that great Part of the Cloathing sent to Brest to be shipt for America, was left behind, and that the Alliance alone has not sufficient Room, to receive it with the Arms and Gunpowder, which the King has been so good as to order for us, and which are all so much wanted in the American Armies. A...
1790 New York Currency Jany. 14. By cash paid Archibald McLean for two sets of the daily Gazette from 1st. May 1789 to 1st. inst. at 48/. per annum £   3  4.  0. By cash paid Thomas Allen for sealing wax, paper, binding of books and other articles of Stationary for the office     9.  7.  6. 21. By cash repaid Wm. Constable, the postage on a packet of letters he had received from Mr. Jefferson,...
I now send you Latrobes price book: Mr. Dinsmore yesterday mentioned to me that he had heard with regret, that you were dissatisfied with the contract made with him, and beg’d me to assure you, that he would take no advantage of any mistake you may have made in that contract; that he will be entirely satisfied to work by the printed prices of the book now sent you. not even insisting on the...
8324021st. (Adams Papers)
Finished the Epodes of Horace, and the third book of Xenophon’s Cyropaedia. There is no poem of Horace’s, that has ever pleased me more, than that which closes the odes: the Carmen Saeculare. The beauty of language, and of numbers seem very well united. And of all the kinds of verse, that are used by this Poet the Sapphic, I think has the most dignity. The Saecular Games were celebrated in...