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Results 83231-83240 of 184,431 sorted by author
One of those cases now occurs which oblige me to relax from my general wish not to add to your troubles in the disposel of offices. I inclose you the papers which produce the occasion, and they will present to you all the grounds of interest which I can possibly feel in the success of the application. They will have with you exactly the weight they intrinsically merit & no m⟨o⟩re. Accept the...
I wrote you on the 16th. of March by a common vessel, & then expected to have had, on the rising of Congress, an opportunity of peculiar confidence to you. Mr. Beckley then supposed he should take a flying trip to London on private business. but I believe he does not find it convenient. he could have let you into the arcana rerum, which you have interests in knowing. mr Pinckney’s pursuits...
I have been expecting by every post to learn from yourself or your sister when I might send to meet you. I still expect it daily. in the mean time I have sent to mr Randolph, who I understand is to be your conductor, money for the expences of the road, so that that may occasion no delay. the indisposition mentd in my letter by Davy Bowles turned out to be rheumatic: it confined me to the house...
I recieved, my dear friend, the day before yesterday, your favor of Feb. 15 . it is the only one I have recieved from you since that of Oct. 28. 1808. so long a silence had excited apprehensions which this letter removes. I shall take the best measures I can for the sale of your house & lot in Richmond . it is in a part of the town where property sells low. for it is a curious fact, that...
The bearer mr Philips has executed much of the bricklaying at the University, and of the best work done there. I can truly recommend him for the excellence of his work and correctness of his conduct. Th: Jefferson Dec. 16. 23. ViU : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I inclose you three letters from detained seamen which came to hand by the last post. your favor of the 12 th was recieved at the same time. the intelligence by the Pacific gives me great anxiety. when I consider the tenor of the new order of council & the official exposition of it by the Lords of trade to the London American merchants (in the inclosed paper) and compare it with the engagement...
As we shall move into the Mamoth room within 2. or 3. days we shall be in immediate want of chairs for it. if therefore you could send a couple of dozen round immediately it would be well. a decent lanthorn is wanting for the middle of the passage upstairs. such as those in the Hall below stairs would be best. also about half a dozen semi-vase lamps to hang against the walls in the passages &...
WASHINGTON CITY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 . BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS information has been received that sundry persons, citizens of the United States, or residents within the same are conspiring and confederating together to begin and set on foot, provide and prepare the means for a military expedition or enterprize against the dominions of Spain,...
You were one of the Commissioners (and now I believe the only surviving one) for carrying into execution a decree of the court of Chancery for the sale of a tract of land in Goochland mortgaged to me by the late W m Ronald to secure a debt. you are therefore acquainted with the case without further explanation. I recieved some time ago, through mr Eppes , a request from Col o Bentley ,...
Yours of May 29. with 150.D. inclosed was duly recieved as is that also of June 5. I should not be for recieving the paiment of the monies for mr Mazzei before they are due on any other discount than of legal interest, say ½ per cent per month. I inclose you a letter I have recieved from mr Edmund Randolph , by which you will see that he executed our joint deed to mr Taylor on the 22 d of May...