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Results 831-840 of 184,431 sorted by author
Last monday I left the Town of Boston, underwent the operation of a smoaking at the lines and arrived at my Brother Cranchs where we go for purification; there I tarried till wedensday, and then came Home, which seem’d greatly endeard to me by my long absence. I think I never felt greater pleasure at comeing Home after an absence in my Life. Yet I felt a vacuum in my Breast and sent a Sigh to...
Tis a long a very long time since I had an opportunity of conveying a single line to you. I have upon many accounts been impatient to do it. I now most sincerely rejoice in the great and important event which sheaths the Hostile Sword and, gives a pleasing presage that our spears may become prunning hooks; that the Lust of Man is restrained, or the powers and revenues of kingdoms become...
I received yours of July 7 for which I heartily thank you, it was the longest and best Letter I have had, the most Leasurely and therefore the most Sentimental. Previous to your last I had wrote you and made some complaints of you, but I will take them all back again—only continue your obliging favours whenever your time will allow you to devote one moment to your absent Portia. This is the 25...
I received by this Days post your Letters of the 9 th 11 th and 13 th , that of the 13 th I hoped would have containd a post Note that my word which I had given for the payment of Haydens Note, and to the collecters of Taxes might not be forfeited. yesterday the collector calld upon me for the 2 d Time. I told him I could not pay him, but that I would in the course of the Month, relying upon...
I have not written you a line since my return to Quincy. I have found full employ to get my House in order, and my Family arranged, against your Fathers return; which Was on Wednesday last; we have all once more assembled at the old Habitation in Safety; Without any accident, except to myself. I unfortunatly, got my foot in a hole in one of the carriages as I was getting out; and fell through,...
I received your kind Letter of December 12th with one from my Nephew inclosing 4 Portraits I instantly recognized my worthy Brother Cranch and my dear sister together with our venerable uncle Quincy. the other not one of us have skill enough to find out, by which I judge it is not a likness the three first are admirably executed and I have to request that the same hand would take my Mother and...
I have received your two kind favours this week of June 29 & July 2d as Hot a day as I ever experienced. I was therefore upon that and the succeeding day unfit for any exertion, and thought it would be impossible for me to go through the fatigues of the 4th without a Change of weather which fortunately took place on twesday afternoon, otherways it must have proved fatal to the Young troops,...
I yesterday received yours of June 8 th , and am happy to learn that there was like to be no delay from the absence of Senators. I wish and hope that there may be no unnecessary cavils respecting the Treaty. mr Beauma came here last fryday, said he met you at Prince Town on thursday told us mr Fauchett was going to present a memorial againt the Treaty. perhaps Adets arrival may prove a...
It was with much anxiety and concern that I learnt from mrs Johnson the outrageous attack which was made upon you by mr duncanson, and the dissagreable circumstance of your being Badly wounded. I hope however from What I yesterday heard that the concequences of the wound will not prove so bad as was apprehended. mr Greenleaf call’d yesterday to inquire what intelligence I had received. he...
This Moment your favour of August the 6 is come to hand. My Heart reproaches me that I have not before this time told you that according to the Scotch Song “I had banishd all my Grief for I was sure the News was true and I was sure he’s well.”—Indeed Sir I have been so much absorbed in my own happiness and so selfish that I have scarcly thought of communicating it. But a debt of gratitude is...