Thomas Jefferson Papers

Jerman Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1822

From Jerman Baker

Richmond 22 Apl 1822

My Dr Sir

To ensure the prompt & safe receipt of the enclosed I have taken the liberty of sending it under cover to you—which I feel confident you will excuse when my Son apprises you of its contents

Be pleased to present us affectionately to your household & to accept the assurance of my sincere regard & respect


Jerman Baker

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 24 Apr. 1822, but recorded in SJL as received a day later. Enclosure not found.

Index Entries

  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); letters from search
  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); sends parcel through TJ search
  • Baker, John Wayles (TJ’s grandnephew); parcel for search