Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Edmund Randolph, 18 January 1794

From Edmund Randolph

Department of State, Januy. 18th 1794.

The Secretary of State has the honor of inclosing to the Secretary of the Treasury the copy of Mr. Jefferson’s letter of December 16th 1793,1 so far as it respects the inquiry in the Secretary of the Treasury’s letter of the 16th. instant,2 which came to hand yesterday.

LC, RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives.

1This is a reference to Thomas Jefferson’s letter to John Adams transmitting to the Senate his report on “The Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States …” (LC, RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 5, February 4, 1792–December 31, 1793, National Archives).

For H’s interest in the regulations upon which Jefferson based his report, see the introductory note to “View of the Commercial Regulations of France and Great Britain in Reference to the United States,” 1792–1793; H to Tench Coxe, January 1, 1794; Coxe to H, January 3, 10, 1794.

2Letter not found.

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