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Results 8251-8280 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
8251 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 25 … 1822-04-25 I will not apologize for not writing as I hate excuses none especially when they are bad or...
8252 Forrest, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Forrest, 25 April 1822 1822-04-25 The enclosed letter came by this day’s Mail with those for the Dept of State, which I hasten to...
8253 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1822 1822-04-25 I was duely favor’d with yours of the 19th current : & should, have replied to it by last mail,...
8254 Adams, John Delaplaine, Joseph From John Adams to Joseph Delaplaine, 24 April 1822 1822-04-24 Portraits, or Busts, of Men or Women taken in Old age which as Ossian says, and says truly is...
8255 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas Arthur S. Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, 24 April … 1822-04-24 I send you the enclosed bond to get the favor of you to put your name to it as Rector of the U. V...
8256 Adams, John Delaplaine, Joseph From John Adams to Joseph Delaplaine, 23 April 1822 1822-04-23 Portraits or Busts, of Men or Women taken in Old Age, which as Ossean says, and says truly is...
8257 Adams, John Boylston, Ward Nicholas From John Adams to Ward Nicholas Boylston, 23 April … 1822-04-23 Not a word at present about your delicious Cider and flounders. Miss Farnam a Grand Daughter of...
8258 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 23 April 1822 1822-04-23 I send you the enclosed pamphlet, at the request of Mr John Williams, a native of North Carolina,...
8259 Jay, John Woodhull, Selah S. From John Jay to Selah S. Woodhull, 23 April 1822 1822-04-23 I have had the pleasure of recieving your obliging Letter of the 2 d . Inst— informing me that...
8260 Baker, Jerman Jefferson, Thomas Jerman Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1822 1822-04-22 To ensure the prompt & safe receipt of the enclosed I have taken the liberty of sending it under...
8261 Everett, Oliver Jefferson, Thomas Oliver Everett to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1822 1822-04-22 The volumes of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences having been placed in my...
8262 Everett, Oliver Enclosure: Oliver Everett’s Advertisement for the … 1822-04-22 Memoirs of the AMERICAN ACADEMY . O. EVERETT , has received and has for sale, at n o. 6,...
8263 Pleasants, James Jefferson, Thomas James Pleasants to Thomas Jefferson, 21 April 1822 1822-04-21 I enclose to you a statement of the balance of p r incipal & interest due on Ronald ’s debt to...
8264 Jefferson, Thomas Leiper, Thomas Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Leiper, 19 April 1822 1822-04-19 M r George Lieper your son has informed you that in his passage thro’ the neighboring county of...
8265 Leiper, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Leiper to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1822 1822-04-19 Annexed you have a Copy of an order drawn on me for seventy Five Dollars by a certain George G...
8266 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 19 April 1822 1822-04-19 Your’s of the 15 th was recieved last night, and at the same time one from mr George Lieper dated...
8267 Adams, Thomas Boylston Henderson, Francis From Thomas Boylston Adams to Francis Henderson, 18 … 1822-04-18 I have the honour, at the request of my Father, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the...
8268 Madison, James Hill, Mark Langdon From James Madison to Mark Langdon Hill, 18 April 1822 1822-04-18 J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Hill, returns his thanks for the copy of the Report of the...
8269 Bacon, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, 18 April 1822 1822-04-18 After the president wrote to M r Watson to Know if he could not sell some article from the farm...
8270 Madison, James Hamilton, Archibald W. From James Madison to Archibald W. Hamilton, 16 April … 1822-04-16 I have just recd. your letter of the 10th. inclosing copies of letters from Judge Livingston, Mr....
8271 Madison, James Spafford, Horatio Gates From James Madison to Horatio Gates Spafford, 16 April … 1822-04-16 I have but just recd. your letter of March 15th. I wish you success in your new Edition of the...
8272 Madison, James Story, Horace C. From James Madison to Horace C. Story, 16 April 1822 1822-04-16 I have recd. with your note of the 8th. the pamphlet commited to your charge by the East India...
8273 Madison, James Lambert, William From James Madison to William Lambert, 15 April 1822 1822-04-15 I have duly received your favour of the 8th. inst: with the two copies of your Report relative to...
8274 Lee, David B. Jefferson, Thomas David B. Lee to Thomas Jefferson, 15 April 1822 1822-04-15 Were I not perfectly convinced of your entire devotion to the welfare and honor of your Country,...
8275 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 15 April 1822 1822-04-15 Yours covering the dft: on the Messrs: Leipers of Philada: has been rec d , & is sent on to...
8276 Peyton, Bernard Watson & Sons, Charles C. Bernard Peyton to Charles C. Watson & Sons, 15 April … 1822-04-15 My friend M r Jefferson put in my hands to day the enclosed dft on Mess Thos Leiper & Sons of...
8277 Trist, Nicholas Philip Jefferson, Thomas Nicholas P. Trist to Thomas Jefferson, 14 April 1822 1822-04-14 This work has just made its appearance here, and I am confident You will not consider as thrown...
8278 Madison, James Cramer, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Cramer, 13 April 1822 1822-04-13 I recd. a few days ago your favor communicatg the resolution of the Agricultural Society of the...
8279 Leiper”, “George G. (pesudonym) Jefferson, Thomas “George G. Leiper” to Thomas Jefferson, 11 April 1822 1822-04-11 G,, G,, Leiper presents his Compliments to T. Jefferson Esq r and has the pleasure to inform him...
8280 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard Thomas Jefferson’s Order on Bernard Peyton for “George … 1822-04-11 Pay to George G. Lieper or order seventy five Dollars for value recieved on account of Sir Mr...