From George Washington to Archibald Moncrief, 13 April 1789
To Archibald Moncrief
Mount Vernon 13 April 1789
I have in my possession a bill of Exchange f[or] 333 24/72 Dollars drawn upon you by Mr Donald of Richmond in favor of David Stuart Esqr. payable five days after Sight—and will thank you to have the money ready for me to receive when I pass through Baltimore.1 I am Sir your Most Obedt Servant
Go: Washington
Archibald Moncrief was a Baltimore merchant.
1. This sum was paid by David Stuart to GW in partial payment of the £525 rent annuity due him from dower lands that were part of John Parke Custis’s estate ( , 272). Stuart supervised the affairs of the estate after his marriage in late 1783 to Custis’s widow, Eleanor Calvert Custis. GW evidently instructed Tobias Lear to deliver the bill to Moncrief on his way to New York. See Lear to GW, 17 April 1789.