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Results 82231-82260 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am honored with yours of Mar. 31. Mine to yourself and Dr. Bancroft will already have answered...
For the New-York Journal, &c. Mr. Greenleaf, You are requested to publish this address in your...
I have just received a letter from Mr Shotwell of New York, surviving partner of the House of...
To promise what one does not perform is at all times wrong but in the delay of the Grass-seeds...
Will you Pardon my interrupting for a moment your Attention to the great subjects before you, to...
Je ne trouverai Jamais, Monsieur, une Lettre de vous trop longue, Il n’y a pas de danger que cela...
On rect of your last favr, I immediately bespoke the livery Lace which is manufactured here...
From a report, I have understood, that you wanted in your Family a Steward, or rather wood want...
I have received you[r] letter of the 23d Ulto accompanied with the Cloth whh the Directors of the...
Letter not found: from John Marshall, 8 April 1789. On 11 April GW wrote to Marshall: “I have...
You will not learn without some surprize that the sixth of this month arrived before a quorum was...
Mr. Madison . I take the liberty Mr. Chairman, at this early stage of the business to introduce...
Letter not found. 8 April 1789. Acknowledged in Carrington to JM, 12 May 1789 . Encloses...
I have received your favor by Mr. Cutting and am much obliged by your having introduced me to the...
I am in hopes this is the last commission I shall have to trouble you with before my departure....
82246H. G. Letter XIV, 9 April 1789 (Hamilton Papers)
In mine of the 25th of February last, I observed, that there were reasons to conclude that the...
Altho’ my time during the late War was much employed in the business of it, I have no confidence...
Whenever I ask your aid to the promotion of the wishes of my friend, receive it on this express...
Notes on commercial policy Importance of right outset—more easy to limit—than unfetter—1. prove...
FitzSimons moved to add a number of articles to be given a specific duty, including some for the...
Your favor of the 27th. has been duly received, and in answer to the information relative to D. I...
Mr. Rumsey has the honor of returning Mr. Jefferson his most Sincere thanks for the freindship...
I have duly received your favor of the 2d. instant, and a few hours before I had received one...
I should be wanting in those Evidences of my very sincere Respect & Esteem for you which I shall...
I had the honor to receive, by the last post, your very polite letter; and must beg you to accept...
Having been the Loan Officer of the United States in the State of Virginia since the Year 1780,...
The cloth & Buttons which accompanied your favor of the 30th Ult., came safe by Colo. Hanson; and...
Having been the Loan Officer of the United States in the State of Virginia since the Year 1780,...
Berg-op-Zoom, 10 Apr. 1789 . Has just forwarded, from Pierre van Damme, bookseller at Amsterdam,...
I have duly received your letter of the 2d Instt—and in replying to it, again assure you, with...