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Results 82101-82150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The enclosed letters to the Governor & Intendent of Louisiana have just been put into my hands by...
I have no expectation, that this Letter will find you in France. Your favor of Novr to me, & of...
My Son Madison is now about nineteen years of age. He has lived the last three years in a retail...
Cases, every day, occur to shew the immense inconvenience of being obliged to resort, for all...
I must once more be troublesome to you on the subject of Wool. I inclose you a sample of the wool...
ALS : Harvard University Library Je suis chargé de vous annoncer que vous serés presentés au Roi...
On a reperusal of the letter from the Governor of Virginia which I mentioned to you, I find that...
You will be pleased immediately on receipt of this, to order one fourth of your Militia to be...
I have, according to an act of Congress relative to Copy-rights, herewith sent a copy of my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your two very obliging favors by Mr. Stuart (who arrived a...
The Secretary of War informs me that you have requested a copy of the proceedings of the Court...
Mr. Richard Laurence of Staten Island has complained to Congress, and to the King of Great...
Permit me to lay before you a matter of the greatest importance to an Army, viz. that of...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755),...
As I have not received a Letter from you I cannot pretend to answer one but I will write...
I recd yours of the 19th inclosing proceedings of a Court Martial against Docr Smith. Some of the...
It is rumoured you mean to send the Treaty with England back for alteration—Permit me as your...
Letter not found: to captured British naval officers, 13 May 1776. The letter that four captured...
8211913 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Some Snow last night, a clowdy, raw morning.
Mr. Madison, from the committee appointed, presented a bill for making further and more effectual...
Your sollicitations are with me more cogent motives than with his slave are the mandates of a...
Nicholas Biddle presents his compliments to M r Jefferson , and takes the liberty of sending to...
1800 To John MComb Junr Dr. Sepr. Repairing Farm House &ca 2 Paid Thos Bloomfield 2000 brick as...
82124[Diary entry: 23 January 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. At home all day. In the Evening Mr. Robt. Rutherford came.
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Madison Esqr Philadelphia.” Another...
My wife’s brother J. B. Johnson has written from New Orleans, to his sister and me, requesting us...
An end was put to the session of the national assembly the day before yesterday by the speech of...
Your fav r 29 th Ult o recd the 5 th Covered, your Gen l power of Att y —in my fav r —the...
Here I arrived last night and am going to set out for Philadelphia. Gouvion goes strait to New...
Letter not found : from William Smallwood, 13 Aug. 1779. On 15 Aug., GW wrote Smallwood: “I have...
Accept my good Friend tha my thanks for your kind Letter of the 22 ult and for the Pamphlets...
Your favor of April 28. did not come to my hands till the 1st. inst. Unfortunately the boxes of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I have wrote you several letters...
Having Been told by Mquis de Castries at Whose Country Seat I am, that He Now is Sending a Vessel...
Since my last the enemy have very unexpectedly brought over the ships mentioned in the enclosed...
As it may be of some importance to the Federal revenue, relative to the excise on whiskey, I take...
A short time since I wrote to you, and hope the letter got safe to your hands. If this should...
82138Biographical Data (Washington Papers)
Information on the persons mentioned by GW during his stay on the island is in most instances...
[ Valley Forge ] April 20, 1778 . Lists three plans for next campaign, with possible modes of...
Genl Wayne being Indisposd, desires that I inform your Excellency that I Remaind to See the whole...
I now lay before you copies of the treaties concluded with the Delaware and Piankeshaw Indians,...
Upon Capt. Blewers representation of the importance of Red Bank I have determined to garrison it...
82143[March 21. Saturday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
March 21. Saturday 1778. Five Weeks had elapsed Yesterday, since my Embarkation. We went East...
Your last recd. was of the 28 Apl. The rect. of all the preceeding is verified by the...
§ From John Montgomery Sr. 19 April 1814. “Memorial of John Montgomery Senr Citizen of the United...
In my last I informed you that your Chariot was finished. and I now inclose you Mr: Hanse’s...
I write merely to put you on your guard against any Falsehoods the Enemy may think it necessary...
82148[Diary entry: 31 October 1798] (Washington Papers)
31. Clear—wind shifting in the Night to the No. Wt. & blowing hard—Mer. at 30. Clear and blowing...
  Considering it important to give our Constituents soon a view of the Special Message of...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I receiv’d yours of the...