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Results 81151-81160 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Permit me to introduce the bearer, Mr Fairfax, to your acquaintance & civilities. He is the Son of the Revd Mr Fairfax—nearly related to Lord Fairfax—and God-son to your Hble servant. But that which will be his best recommendation, is his own merits—He is a young Gentleman of fortune and goes to Philadelphia for the laudable purpose of compleating his Studies. With respectful compliments and...
In your favor of Oct. 31 . you refer to a letter of July I never received, and you mention nothing of mine of June 19. wherein I inclosed you an order on Messieurs Willinck & Van Staphorsts for two thousand nine hundred and fifty three livres. I will beg the favor of you to inform me whether you received that letter. I am happy in hearing you are established [at] Lorient, and shall be more so...
Quand j’avois l’honneur de vous voir à Marseilles, j’eus celui aussi de vous parler de l’usage de la Pot-asse, au lieu de la soude, pour les manufactures des savons. Vous m’avez paru penser qu’il en faudroit environ une vingtaine de quintaux pour en faire une experience satisfaisante, et je vous ai promis de vous faire tenir cette quantité. Un negotiant de l’Amerique vient, en consequence,...
There has been so few direct opportunities from hence for France for some months past, that I have long been deprived of the honour of addressing you. And at this moment I feel a great reluctance in doing so, because I shall not be able to give an account of my Stewardship that will be pleasant to you or satisfactory to myself. And yet such is the force of self love that I cannot blame...
Paris, 24 Nov. 1788 . Send their bill of exchange at one day on Burton, Forbes, & Co. for £121 lls. 3d. sterling, for which they ask to be credited, at the exchange rate of 29d. sterling per ecu, with the sum of 3,018₶ 2s. RC ( DLC ); 1 p.; in French. The enclosed bill of exchange was forwarded by TJ in his to Trumbull, 26 Nov. 1788 .
Circumstances which I could not controul have occasioned your letter of Sep. 29. to lie above a month by me, unanswered. I avail myself of the first moment it has been in my power to take up the letters of my correspondents. The sets of Exchange on the Commissioners of the U.S. at Paris, of which you speak to me, are 6. or 7. years old. Those commissioners remained in France till the year...
It has not been possible for me sooner to do myself the honour of answering your favor of Oct. 25. The ministry have agreed to receive all the cargoes of our oil already on their way, till a further arrangement can be finally settled: and I have great reason to hope we shall obtain a re-establishment of the arret of Dec. 29. as to our whale oils; in which case, the English being excluded, we...
I am much obliged to Monsieur de Marbois for recalling me to his memory, and shall be happy in every occasion of being useful to him or his friends. Congress have lately authorized the borrowing a sum of money in Holland for the purpose of paying their demands in Europe, as well those due, as those which shall become due to the end of the year 1790. The moment this loan can be filled up all...
Mr. Jefferson has the honour to present his compliments to Mr. Kissam and to send him a letter which has come to his hands. He wrote yesterday morning to invite Mr. Kissam to do him the favor of dining with him to-day: but the servant not finding him at his antient lodgings brought back the note, and it was not till night that Mr. Jefferson knew of this circumstance. He wishes the present may...
8116025. (Adams Papers)
Charles came home from Cambridge.