Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Peter Derieux, 24 January 1816

To Peter Derieux

Monticello Jan. 24. 16.


Since the receipt of your favor of the 12th ult. one has come to hand from mr Mazzei in answer to mine, in which I had sollicited from him some attention and aid to your wants. I must give you the answer in his own words. it is dated Pisa. Oct. 22. 1815. ‘Quanto a Derieux che à 10. o 12. figli, che l’à pregato di raccomendarmelo, la prego di dargli per carità 18. o 20. dollars, e di rammemorargli che quando venne inaspettatamente di Francia a Charlestown colla moglie (che aveva abortito nel viaggio) gli mandai il denaro per pagare il Capitano, e per venire in Virginia; che gli diedi un’altra somma rispettabile alla mia partenza di costà, e che la cambiale (che mi diede par le 2. dette somme) la bruciai subito che seppi l’infelice stato delle sue finanze.’ in compliance with this request I now inclose you an order on messrs Gibson and Jefferson of Richmond, for twenty dollars. I sincerely wish he had authorised a much larger sum; but, after my former urgency to him, his answer shews that no further applications to him from me can be useful to you. indeed his age (85. years) and the total demolition of his health both of body and mind render his continuance in life uncertain from day to day. I will thank you for a little scrip of a receipt which I may inclose to him in proof that I have executed his authority. Accept the assurance of my esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of otherwise unlocated letter from Lacépède to TJ, 19 July 1815 (addressed: “à Monsieur Th. Jefferson à Monticello en virginie”; franked; postmarked New York City, 12 Nov.; recorded in SJL as received 15 Dec. 1815 from Paris); mutilated at seal, with missing text rewritten by TJ; at foot of text: “Mr Derieux”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure not found.

TJ’s letter of 29 Dec. 1813 to Philip Mazzei sollicited from him some attention to Derieux’s plight.

Index Entries

  • Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard); and P. Mazzei search
  • Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard); financial situation of search
  • Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard); letters to search
  • Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard); requests assistance from TJ search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); payments made for TJ search
  • Lacépède, Bernard Germain Étienne de La Ville-Sur-Illon, comte de; letter from accounted for search
  • Mazzei, Philip; and P. Derieux search
  • Mazzei, Philip; health of search