Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Nourse, 12 June 1794

From Joseph Nourse

Treasury Department
Registers Office 12th. June 1794


Provision having been made by law passed the last Session for the payment of Interest on the unsubscribed or registered debt for the current year,1 I am to request that the sum of Three Thousand Six hundred and seventy four Dollars, twenty seven cents, may be issued from the Treasury of the United States upon a warrant to be drawn in favor of John Kean Esqr. Cashier of the Bank of the United States, fore the purpose of paying the Interest on the said Debt, which accrued in the first quarter of the present year. I have the Honor to be

Sir, with the greatest respect   Your Most Obed. & most humble Servt.

Alexander Hamilton Esquire
Secretary of the Treasury

LC, RG 53, Register of the Treasury, Estimates and Statements for 1794, Vol. “136-T,” National Archives.

1“An Act further extending the time for receiving on loan the Domestic Debt of the United States” (1 Stat. description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America (Boston, 1845). description ends 370–71 [May 30, 1794]).

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