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Results 81-130 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Report on the University of Virginia We lay before our readers the following interesting View of...
instead of the Venetian blinds before planned for South Piazza , substitute these 62. I. 50. I....
MR. MADISON’S PAMPHLET. In the Register of the 11th ult. page 193, we copied a paragraph from the...
I II III IV V VI VII VIII Adams – – – – – – – – 0 Anderson +
A sketch never finished nor applied. As the weakness and wants of man naturally lead to an...
Renominations still to be made. Orleans. ✓ Wm. C. C. Claiborne late governor of the Misipi...
Some taxes are, however, more partial in their first operation than others; and, in some cases,...
Teusday. July 20th. The Board met according to adjournment. Resolved, That the professor of...
✓ James Wilkinson of Maryland Governor of the territory of Louisiana from the 3d. day of July...
Mr. King to mr Madison. N.Y. Dec. 22. 1803. 1. all foreign ministers pay the 1st. visit to the...
To the effect of <the> changes intellectual, moral and social, the institutions laws of the...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress We are much oblig’d to M. De la Haye and his Friends for their...
 Doctr. Stevens’s case. I consider the annual act which appropriates a given sum to the expences...
July 4. Govr. Claiborne’s lre May 24. 04. St. Julien’s case the local judge should decide if...
Draft (fragment): American Philosophical Society has been blown off that Coast. Our Governor...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of the 31st of last Month, the...
The Board met according to adjournment Resolved, That the Chairman’s private book annually...
The Board met according to adjournment. Mr. Randolph, appointed a Committee at the last session...
Resources Balance in the treasury Oct. 1. 1803. say 5,888,000. Revenue of 5. quarters to Dec. 31....
1804. May. 26. Present the Secretaries and Atty Genl. What terms of peace with Tripoli shall be...
University of Virginia Wednesday, October 1st. 1828. Agreeably to the adjournment at the meeting...
Bill. in 1802. purchased the dower of Eliz. Henderson that John Henderson is digging a race thro’...
Copy: American Philosophical Society I now sit down to give you an Account of Part of the...
Wednesday, July 23. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That the Sum of Two...
The apportionment of taxation in the old states of 3/5 for slaves was decided rather from...
By the President of the United States. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by the first articles of the terms...
Genl. topics the advantages of a peaceful system. that if once our debt is paid & taxes...
P.S. the Northern boundary of Louisiana, Coterminous with the possessions of England. The limits...
4. e. The free exercise of religion being placed by the constitution independant of the powers of...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 1, 1756. Governor Morris and the...
In order to bring the members of society together in the first instance the custom of the country...
Jacob I. Cohen William Hull Wm. Vaughan for Portland           Worcester . Samuel Flagg Abraham...
[made on a letter from Alexander Garrett, April 16, 1831: post April 16, 1831] [ ] H. of Reps....
New Hampsh Massachu R. Island Connecticut Vermont New York New Jersey Pennsylva Delaware Maryland...
Divn. of powers to weaken each br. & to balance the whole [ ] Hence Leg. Ex. & Judy. The 2...
J. M. was born on the 5th of Mar. (O. 5) 1751. His parents J. M. & N. (Conway) Madison, resided...
117II. Cipher Table, [April 1803?] (Jefferson Papers)
suppose the key word to be ‘antipodes’ write it thus. a n t i p o d e s a n t i p o d e s
Hollis —Hollis near Bushtown Maryland, comes every year to fish in the Patowmac opposite...
Monday the 12th. Jno. H. Cocke and Thomas J. Randolp<h> attended. Ms (ViU) .
A statement of the rights &c. in Henderson’s warehouses. the Widow’s dower. conveyed to Peyton...
List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington...
Thursday, July 17. The same remark applies to this. Ms ( ViU ).
Tuesday, July 22. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That if Dr Patterson...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am exceedingly oblig’d by the exact Plan and Profile you...
125V. Partial Draft, 8 February 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
When it was vain to deny that our measures were good, they resorted to motives, & alledged they...
Another consequence suggests itself as following the nullifying rule–I will illustrate it...
May 4. in bank. Salary 2083 .33 2083 .33 Disct. 1979 1979 . 3979 4062 .33 bank.  note  of Mar....
Proceeding, fellow citizens, to that qualification which the constitution requires before my...
Interest account between J. Barnes & Th: Jefferson from 1801. Mar. 4. to 1803. May 4. 1801....
This indenture made on the 4th. day of May 1804. between Craven Peyton of the one part and Thomas...