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Results 81-90 of 184,431 sorted by author
Letter not found : from Abraham Ackerman, 5 Oct. 1779. On 9 Oct., GW wrote Ackerman: “I have received Your Letter of the 5th Instant.”
an unfurtuanate Man addresses You with these Lines though Scarsly worthy of Your Notice on account of its Iregular stile & Compossure—But would most Humbly begg pardon for the Intrussion & wish You to exuse me for attempting to trouble You with so lenghty a Scrawlling & so poorly Connected & spelled Sir I embarked in the Earliest Day of the American Revolution went with the faithful Genl....
[Philadelphia] Gazette of the United States , June 4, 1792. Part of the column devoted to correspondence in the June 4, 1792, issue of the Gazette of the United States is attributed to H by Philip Marsh (“Further Attributions to Hamilton’s Pen,” The New-York Historical Society Quarterly , XL [October, 1956], 353–54). No other evidence, however, of H’s authorship has been found.
I have the opertunity of Informing you that I have had the misfortune to loose my Schooner which was Captured By the British on the 26 of Sept Last Being loaded and Bound for Baltimore and sir I hav Bin on Board the British with A civil othority and they informd me that she Dradg her anchors and went on Shore in lin haven Bay in A gaile of wind and that the Virginiaans Stript hir and Cut Away...
The Students of Dickinson–College, assembled again after the usual vacation, embrace the earliest opportunity of making a public and explicit declaration of their sentiments and resolutions, at this important crisis. Believing that unanimity is of infinite importance to the Citizens of these States, and that the most unequivocal proofs of such unanimity should be now given by the Citizens at...
I take the liberty to inclose to your Excellency, a letter, which was entrusted to my care by Sir Edward Newenham of Dublin, who desired me to deliver it in person, an honour which I should certainly have done myself, had I not been detained in this part of the Country by business, & by the contagious fever, which, I am extremely sorry to find, prevails at Philadelphia. As I am thus under a...
I had the honour of receiving your favour in course of post, and as I did not know of any person going to Philadelphia, with whom I could entrust your model, I delivered it to Mr. Remsen, informing of the precautions necessary to be observed in forwarding it, and I hope that before this time you have received it in perfect safety. The greatest care was taken, on board the Ship, to put it into...
I have the honour to inform you, that I have just arrived here in the Ship Amsterdam Packet, after a passage of 68 days from London. Mr. Pinckney did me the honour to entrust to my care several packets addressed to you, two of which you will receive by this post, and I also send by the Coach two parcels of Newspapers, from Mr. Pinckney, and one, of which I wish to request his Excellency the...
Although I have Suffered, (by the hand of lawless power,) Injurys in my person, my reputation and my property; Injurys to me irreparable though unmerited; Yet as an American firmly and unaltrably attached to my Country; and capable of distinguishing in my Judgment and resentments betwixt its Government, & those who may for a time be entrusted to Administer it: I shall always feel it my duty,...
The Petition of John Adams, humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner hath been convicted at the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Pennsylvania, of smuggling a small quantity of Coffee, for which Offence he hath agreeably to Law been sentenced to pay a fine of four hundred Dollars, all which will more fully appear to your Excellency, by the Certified transcripts from the...