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Sir as the society for the purpose of raising a Monument (called the National Monument society and of which you are President) to the father of our country have set forth their views upon that subject and is their wish it should be commenced within a few months and finished in the course of eight or ten years and that their desire is it should be like him who it is meant it should commemorate...
J. Madison, with his best respects to Mr. Van Buren, thanks him for the Copy of the President’s late Special Message and the Documents accompanying it. He wishes he could have found in the posture of the controversy with France less of a remaining cloud over the desired issue to it. RC ( CLjC ); draft (DLC) .
William Allen is authorized to receive my share of the dividend lately declared by the Swift run gap Turnpike Company. FC (DLC) .
I received Sir in due time your letter of Septr.—with the Volume accompanying it. But such has been my decrepit condition, the effect of age, and chronic disease, that I have not been able to do more than dip occasionally into the work. This very partial view of its contents, has however satisfied me, that it affords information on curious & not uninteresting subjects, which spare to readers...
I have received a few days ago No. 36 of the Quarterly Review, the preceding no. 35 was omitted or miscarried—You will be so good as to forward that no. with respect. FC (DLC) .
I have received Sir your letter of Decr. 27th. requesting autograph names to repair the loss of a collection you had made for a gentleman of distinguished standing in the British Parliament. On recurring to my files, I find they have been so far exhausted by applications of a like sort, that I can promise from them no aid for your purpose. With respect FC (DLC) . Addressed to Fitzwilliams in "...
February 3, 1829 Mr. Marshall accepts with pleasure the invitation of The President and Mrs. Adams to dine with them on tuesday the 3d. of February at six March 2, 1820 Mr. Marshall accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr. & Mrs. Adams to dine with them on thursday the 2d. of March at five Mr. Marshall accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr. Adams to dine with him on thursday next at...
Sovereignty It has hitherto been understood, that the supreme power, that is, the sovereignty of the people of the States, was in its nature divisible; and was in fact divided, according to the Constitution of the U. States, between the States in their United, and the States in their individual capacities that as the States in their highest sov. char. were compent to a surrender of yr whole...
A sketch never finished nor applied. As the weakness and wants of man naturally lead to an association of individuals, under a Common Authority, whereby each may have the protection of the whole against danger from without, and enjoy in safety within, the advantages of social intercourse, and an exchange of the necessaries & comforts of life; in like manner feeble communities, independent of...
I thank you, tho’ at a late day, for the pamphlet comprizing your address at New-York. The address is distinguished by some very interesting views of an important subject. The Absolutists on the "Let alone Theory" overlook the two essential prerequisites to a perfect freedom of external Commerce, 1. that it be universal among nations. 2. that peace be perpetual among them. A perfect freedom of...