Thomas Jefferson Papers

Samuel A. Otis to Thomas Jefferson, 3 April 1812

From Samuel A. Otis

Washington April 3d 1812


Agreeably to your request I have this day received & distributed the proceeding on the intrusion of Edward Lewingston &c and have the honor to be

With high respect Your most humble Sert

Sam A Otis

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr”; endorsed by TJ as received 8 Apr. 1812 and so recorded in SJL.

edward lewingston: Edward Livingston.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston search
  • Otis, Samuel Allyne; letters from search
  • Otis, Samuel Allyne; secretary of U.S. Senate search
  • The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston (Thomas Jefferson); sent to Congress search