Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Dayton, 26 June 1794

From Jonathan Dayton1

Elizabethtown [New Jersey] June 26, 1794. “Judge Symmes, who left this place yesterday for Philadelphia by the way of Morristown, requested me to acquaint you that in two or three days he should be at your office to obtain the Deed for the Miami lands.2 The delay of this business, on one account or another, has been so much beyond what was foreseen, as to occasion much uneasiness with many of the interested, & to induce me to urge it’s completion with all possible dispatch.…”

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Dayton was a member of the House of Representatives from New Jersey and agent for the land purchased by John Cleves Symmes.

2For information concerning Symmes’s purchase of western land, see H to William Rawle, January 6, July 17, 1793, March 13, June 21, 1794; Israel Ludlow to H, July 10, 1793; Edmund Randolph to H, February 18, 1794.

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