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Results 80881-80910 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I received in due course your letter of 9 th April —but, heard nothing of the machine you mentioned until this day, when I have received it— Opportunities are not now frequent to Richmond —it has also occurred to me, that some risk may attend, and probably before any vessel offers for Virginia , there will be sufficient time to hear from you, I have thought it most prudent to wait your...
I have yours of the 27. Decr., for which I thank you. I have made some comments on one item in it to a person who will probably see you. I rejoice that the land tax is postponed, & hope when revived it will be under the auspices of those who have imposed on the publick the necessity of such an increase of their burden. It wod. be entertaining to see the friends of an accumulation of [the]...
I was duely favor’d with yours covering a note for the renewal yours for $3,000 at the Farmers Bank , which was accordingly done this day, & I am requested by the cashier to inform you that a curtail of $500 will be required on it at the renewal after the next , to wit, on the 4th: of October .—This is done I understand in consequence of the loan being considered temporary in the beginning, &...
I enclose you a commission for M r Sasserno , as consul for Nice , with a memo: from the dep t of State , relating to its transmission to him, respecting which, we shall be happy to forward your views. I enclose you also an extract from a letter of Gall M r Gallatin , relating to M
Your letter of the 12th Inst. I recd., and according to your Orders have Shiped the Oil and White Lead on board the Schooner Adventure Captn. Townsend bound for Richmond adressed to the care of Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of that Place, it being the first Conveance I Could find, Shee Sailed from here yesterday, I hope the Articles may come safe to hand, and answer your Expectations— I am Most...
L’Homme infortuné qui vous écrivoit l’incluse n’est plus il n’a survecu qu’un mois a son fils cheri. Le 9 du mois d’octobre 1800 1809 il a abandonné a leur sort une veuve et cinq petis enfans, sans soutien, denuée de tout j’aurois peris sans le secour de Genereux etrangers; Helas! monsieur, je ne veux pas chercher a vous attendrir par la description de mon affliction et de ma misere, elles ne...
I have duly recd yours of the 13. covering the papers from Govr. Mercer. The act of Maryland is I believe in the Office of State, having been sent thither by the Govr. after his return to Annapolis. The object of it in requiring the sanction of the President to the measures of the Ex. of the State, was I believe to prevent an interference with national measures, as well as to be a check in...
Residing as I do on the right Bank of the Mississippi seven Leagues below N. Orleans , it is no matter of surprize that your Letter , of the 25 th of June , was not received before the 1 st Inst. I perceive with great pleasure, that the chat chaste harmony which has distinguis h
Charleston, S.C., 22 Nov. 1788. Encloses “a short Letter, for my Son.” The people by which it goes will sail in half an hour. Asks TJ to forward it. RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 7 Feb. 1789. Enclosure not found.
I have this minute arrived on shore from the L. House Cape Henry.— The Ship hitherto called the Triumph , I now find, is the Leopard; the Bellona & Melampus gone some days ago; & the Triumph & Patriot cruising just Southward of Cape Henry.— The Triumph & Patriot were close in with the Light House last night; &, in the early part of the evening fired heavy guns (they say at the L.H.) on some...
In letter 20, dated Paris, June 22d., I said that I should set out for Genoa and Florence, and do all my endeavors to pave the way for executing such orders as I might receive. So I have done, and with as much success in both places, as I could almost wish, considering that I have nothing to show to corroborate what I say in regard to my Commissions. I have greatly lessen’d here and there the...
This morning I recieved yours, inclosed to Mr. Bedinger—I obey your orders immediately, & am mounting for Lynhaven & Cape Henry. Last night, I rode to Lamberts Point: two of the British Ships lay in Hampton Road; &, today, I learn that two others are in Lynhaven Bay. Our Small Vessels seemed to pass among them unmolested; & a Square ryged Vessel was standing up James Rivar, apparently...
Gentlemen of the Senate I Nominate, Humphrey Magrath —at present a sailing master Charles C. B. Thompson } at present midshipmen James P. Wilmer
I have done the plaistring and have begon To Lay the Stone wall myself as you have maid a much Longer stay in albermarle than I Expected—I have been afraid that some accident must have Happened from your delay—if it should be the case I pray you would write amediately the size of the Bilding and the openings and whether I shall Bild the pillers with Circulor Brick or with Squar Bricks the...
I have the honor of informing you, that in Dec. last, I transmitted to you, by Capt. Rodgers, of New york, the works of Mr. Lasteyrie, on the Merino breed of sheep. I now send the [Memoires de Fyr] , in 2 vos. which the Translator begs you to accept. I take the liberty of inclosing, for your acceptance, my Translation of Cuvier’s Eulogium of Priestley, and am, with great respect, Your most...
Your letter enclosed to me on the 28 th July for M r King in London was duly rec d and was forwarded yesterday by the Packet Ship Silas Richards bound to Liverpool and addressed to the Care of M r Consul Maury, & advising him it related to business of the University of Virginia. MHi .
I sincerely regret the trouble I am obliged to give you, but the inclosed were directed by the Society to be forwarded to you with a request that they might be transmitted to Mr Levingston— With the warmest wishes for your health & happiness I am most respectfully your friend & servt RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “His Excellency The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 7...
It is with emmotions of extreme regret, that I am necessitated to trouble you with an inquiry relating to the causes of a phenomenon which has fallen under my observation, which I have not been able to account for satisfactorily to myself—and which I have not been able to find any body who could account for it either to themselves or me, indeed the greatest number of those of whom I have made...
In Letters that we have Received from some very Respectable Houses in Europe with whom we have the honour to Correspond we have been Requested to solicit two Appointments of Consulships from the United States abroad. We can not Refuse to our Friends our solicitations with you on the Subject any more than our assurances of our firm belief that the offices will be deservedly filled should they...
Agreeably to your request I have this day received & distributed the proceeding on the intrusion of Edward Lewingston & c and have the honor to be RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq r ”; endorsed by TJ as received 8 Apr. 1812 and so recorded in SJL . edward lewingston : Edward Livingston .
Mr Anderson mentions that return hath not been made on your nominations of the legis. council Inda. Tery. You will be pleased to recollect that five to wit: Mess Chambers Gwathney Jones &
Being informed that your Excellency has been pleased to grant my solicited commission of Consul for the Canary Islands, and that your Excellency Condescended personally to have my petition complyed with in a manner which I do not merit, nor could have expected; beg leave to offer you the homage of my warmest acknowledgements and assurances of my great respect. My Father who is now fast...
Si j’étois amériquain, Monsieur, et dans votre gouvernement je n’aurois pas hésité a vous y donner une place, mais françoise a deux mille lieuës de votre pays je n’ai pu apprendre sans une peine sensible que je vous avois dit un éternel adieu. Je ne perdrai jamais le Souvenir de tout le bien que Vous procuriez a mon âme lorsque j’avois le bonheur de Vous voir Versailles pendant les premiers...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation, the following promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States, viz. Regiment of Artillerists Captain Amos Stoddard to be promoted to the rank of Major vice, James Bruff resigned June 30th. 1807. First lieut Moses Swell to be promoted to the rank of Captain vice Amos Stoddard promoted June 30th. 1807. First Lieut. George Peter to...
I am this moment Call’d on by the Barron Steuben to furnish four Expresses to ride Between General Gregories Posts and Suffolk. I am at a Very Great Loss to Know what mode to take for Horses for the Different Express Riders. As its for the field Business I expect Majr. Claiborne Wont Interfeiar in it. The practice of Impressing horses is Attended with Double the expense that Buying would be,...
I have the honor to inform you, that in a few days, information furnished by the several Departments and otherwise collected, will be laid before the House of Representatives, for the purpose of obtaining appropriations of Money. As the expences &ca. of the Department of State will necessarily require an appropriation, I beg the favour of your directing information to be transmitted to me of...
Morristown, 26 Mch. 1780 . Calls attention to resolve of Congress of 25 Feb. 1780 assigning state quotas of supplies for the army and directing them to be deposited at places designated by the Commander in Chief. The quotas and places of deposit for Virginia are listed as follows: Places Bbls. Flour Gals. Rum Tons Hay Bu. Corn Alexandria 40,000 80 40,000 Fredericksburg 300 30,000 100 40,000...
I came here Yesterday in full Expectation of sending off Colo. Greens Detachment of 400 Men this Day and it is with great pain I have to inform Your Excellency that so far from being ready to March I am even fearfull they will not be able to March at all. Amongst the 400 Men selected for this Detachment about 60 only had Blankets. The Militia I discharged left about 20 and of 200 which I...
There are eight gun boats now building for the maintenance of which no appropriation has as yet been required—If they should be put in commission with the number of officers & men necessary in time of war, we shall require for their maintenance during the year, 1805, the following appropriations, doll’s cts. 45,324 5665 For pay & subsistence of the officers & pay of the seamen 51528. For...
The precarious state of Mrs. Meredith ’s health, which has been injured by change of situation, the anxious desire she and the family have to be with their Friends & relations, as well as the necessary attention to my private affairs, which are suffering by my absence from Philada.; have induced me to offer you my resignation, to take place if you think proper about the last of October, or...