Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Tench Coxe, [27 June 1794]

To Tench Coxe1

[Philadelphia, June 27, 1794]

Mr. Hamilton will with pleasure dine with Mr. Coxe tomorrow—and he will see him at his own house at any time before three to day or early tomorrow morning unless Mr. Cox will come & dine to day with Mr. H four oClock where he will find Doctor Priestly2 & a small party & the business can be talked of in the Evening.

AL, Tench Coxe Papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

1H wrote this note at the bottom of the letter Coxe wrote to him on this day. See Coxe to H. June 27, 1794.

2Joseph Priestley. See Angelica Church to H, April 1–7, 1794.

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