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Results 80511-80560 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
80511 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 I sieze a moment of leizure to thank you my dear Sir for your obliging favours of the 21st & 26th...
80512 Jay, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jay, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 I have had the pleasure of receiving your Excellency’s Favors of the 3rd, & 7th Instt with the...
80513 Jay, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jay, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 Congress have directed their Thanks to be presented to Colonel Van Schaick & the Troops under his...
80514 Jay, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jay, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 Enclosed is a Copy of a Letter from the minister of France to Congress of the 9th Inst. and of an...
80515 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 10 May … 1779-05-10 In answer to your Excellency’s Favour of yesterdays date, I have to observe that our Law...
80516 Washington, George Maxwell, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1779-05-10 The short stay you made at Head Quarters and my attention being otherwise engrossed prevented my...
80517 Washington, George Schuyler, Philip From George Washington to Philip Schuyler, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 In my letter of the 5th instant I had the pleasure of acknowleging some paragraphs in yours of...
80518 Washington, George Schuyler, Philip From George Washington to Philip Schuyler, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 Colo. Butlar affords me so safe a conveyance of your Papers, that I gladly embrace it. I thank...
80519 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Philip Schuyler, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 I had the Honor to receive your Excellency’s Favor of the 27th Ult. on the 7th Inst. Being...
80520 Washington, George Scull, Peter From George Washington to Peter Scull, 10 May 1779 1779-05-10 Inclosed you will receive the arrangement of the 9th Virginia Regiment—It is the best though...
80521 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 10 … 1779-05-10 As my busyness with the Legislature of New Jersey will require my being at Trentown on Wednesday...
80522 Washington, George Williams, Otho Holland From George Washington to Colonel Otho Holland Williams … 1779-05-10 I have been favoured with Your Arrangement of the Maryland line from the Captains to the Ensigns...
80523 Washington, George General Orders, 11 May 1779 1779-05-11 The Virginia Field Officers in the continental line now in camp will take into consideration the...
80524 Washington, George Greene, William From George Washington to William Greene, 11 May 1779 1779-05-11 I was duly honored by your Excellencys favor of the 26th of April in behalf of the council of War...
80525 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 11 May 1779 1779-05-11 Brigadier General McIntosh will have the honor to deliver you this. The war in Georgia, being in...
80526 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 11 May 1779 1779-05-11 I have the honor to inclose Your Excellency copies of letters and papers, which have passed on...
80527 Mesam, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Mesam, 11 May 1779 1779-05-11 Letter not found : from George Measam, 11 May 1779. GW wrote to Measam on 13 June acknowledging...
80528 Washington, George Morgan, George From George Washington to George Morgan, 11 May 1779 1779-05-11 I received your favor of the 9th Instant by Captn Dodge. It will be convenient for me to see the...
80529 Washington, George Parr, James From George Washington to Major James Parr, 11 May 1779 1779-05-11 As the exigencies of the service require, that the Two Rifle companies should continue detached...
80530 Washington, George Parsons, Samuel Holden From George Washington to Brigadier General Samuel … 1779-05-11 Your two favors of the 2d & 3d instant with their inclosures have been duly received. It was my...
80531 Parsons, Samuel Holden Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Holden Parsons, 11 May … 1779-05-11 Letter not found : from Samuel Holden Parsons, 11 May 1779. GW wrote to Parsons on 28 May : “Your...
80532 Washington, George Stewart, Walter From George Washington to Colonel Walter Stewart, 11 … 1779-05-11 Mr Harrison has presented me with Your Letter to him of yesterday in favor of Mr Murran. The...
80533 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1779-05-11 I have scarce a moment to Acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 8th the person who bears...
80534 Washington, George General Orders, 12 May 1779 1779-05-12 The following Virginia Regiments are for the present to be united the 3rd with the 4th—the 5th...
80535 Washington, George Delaware Nation Address to the Delaware Nation, 12 May 1779 1779-05-12 To the Chief Men, Deputies from the Delaware Nation— Brothers— I am happy to see you here. I am...
80536 Hand, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Edward … 1779-05-12 I have recd your Excellys favr of the 30th Ultimo as I dont know where Genl Sullivan now is must...
80537 Jay, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jay, 12 May 1779 1779-05-12 Copies of three Acts of Congress are herewith enclosed—One of the 11th Inst., ascertaining the...
80538 Jay, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jay, 12 May 1779 1779-05-12 Mrs De Lancey will be the Bearer of this Letter—when Philadelphia was evacuated, she went round...
80539 Washington, George Knox, Henry From George Washington to Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1779-05-12 The Inclosed letters respecting the rank of Officers in Proctors Regiment, & Colo. Flower’s...
80540 Washington, George Massachusetts Council From George Washington to the Massachusetts Council, 12 … 1779-05-12 I do myself the Honor of transmitting you a Copy of an Act of Congress of the 1st Instant. The...
80541 Maxwell, William Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General William … 1779-05-12 I have the pleasure to inform Your Excellency that the first Regt set off Yesterday in high...
80542 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander From George Washington to Major General Alexander … 1779-05-12 Your favor of the 8th instant was handed me yesterday evening. Should any of the New-York levies...
80543 Washington, George Parsons, Samuel Holden From George Washington to Brigadier General Samuel … 1779-05-12 You will find by my last letter of the 11th instant, that I considered the circumstances of your...
80544 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Philip Schuyler, 12 May 1779 1779-05-12 Last Night your Excellency’s Favor of the 5th Instant, covering Duplicate of that of the 27th...
80545 Washington, George Scott, Charles From George Washington to Brigadier General Charles … 1779-05-12 I received your favor of the 28th Ulto. I am sorry that it was not in your power to give timely...
80546 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1779-05-12 I have the unhappiness to inform You that the enemy have at last called on this State and found...
80547 Washington, George Smallwood, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1779-05-12 Captain Spyker has this morning sent in his resignation, accompanied with your certificate of his...
80548 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1779-05-12 I find by a Letter Reced from Colo. Courtlandt that Shirts & other articles of Cloathing are...
80549 Washington, George Washington, John Augustine From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 12 … 1779-05-12 Three of your Letters are before me, and I believe unacknowledged, the first is of decr 12th—the...
80550 Whiting, Daniel Washington, George To George Washington from Major Daniel Whiting, 12 May … 1779-05-12 I would beg Leave to Lay Before Your Excellency some matters of Grievance this regimt Lies...
80551 Washington, George General Orders, 13 May 1779 1779-05-13 Accurate returns of Arms, Ammunition & Accoutrements good, bad and wanting to be sent in to the...
80552 Clinton, James Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General James … 1779-05-13 In consequence of your Excellencys Orders I have inclosed my answers to your Queries Respecting...
80553 Ford, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin … 1779-05-13 Capt. Maxfield late Commander of the Brig Isaac, who sail’d from Charles Town south Carolina on...
80554 Washington, George Knox, Henry From George Washington to Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1779-05-13 I inclose you a petition from Robinson who is under sentence of death for your consideration. If...
80555 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1779-05-13 In obedience to your Excellency’s request, I have fully considered the subjects of the respective...
80556 McDougall, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Alexander … 1779-05-13 I was honored in due time, with your Excellencys favor of the 8th Instant. Before the receipt of...
80557 Washington, George Nixon, John From George Washington to Brigadier General John Nixon … 1779-05-13 A few days ago I received Your favor of the 3d Instant. It has ever been my wish—and it still...
80558 Parker, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Richard Parker, 13 … 1779-05-13 I have inclosed you a Letter from Governor Johnston to Mr Hollings Worth D. Quarter Master...
80559 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1779-05-13 I have just recd—your favor of yesterdays date. I shall give the necessary orders for the troops...
80560 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 13 … 1779-05-13 Letter not found : to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 13 May 1779. Robert Hanson Harrison docketed...