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Results 80511-80560 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
80511 Schuyler, Philip Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Philip Schuyler, 2 September … 1788-09-02 Albany, September 2, 1788. Sends information for his defense against a bill filed in Chancery by...
80512 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 September 1788] 1788-09-02 Tuesday 2d. Thermometer at 68 in the Morning—76 at Noon and 72 at Night. Wind at No. W....
80513 Jay, John Report on the Navigation of the Mississippi River, 2 … 1788-09-02 The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred a...
80514 Jefferson, Thomas Appleton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Appleton, 2 September … 1788-09-02 I have duly received your favor of the 24th. Aug. and think with you there should be no contest...
80515 Jefferson, Thomas Brocqueville, Migneron de From Thomas Jefferson to Migneron de Brocqueville, 2 … 1788-09-02 Je viens de recevoir le memoire imprimée que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’envoyer, contenante...
80516 Jefferson, Thomas Gordon, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Gordon, 2 September … 1788-09-02 In my letter of July 16. I had the honor to explain to you the reasons why an answer to your...
80517 Jefferson, Thomas Mason, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Mason, 2 September 1788 1788-09-02 I have duly received your favor of Aug. 23. as well as the one from your father which was therein...
80518 Nesbitt, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Nesbitt, 2 September … 1788-09-02 Not having the honor of being Personally known to you, I must begin by beging your excuse for the...
80519 Trumbull, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Trumbull, 2 September … 1788-09-02 I have your letter of the 24th. August and having seen no secondhand Carriage to my mind, have...
80520 Adams, John Quincy Wednesday September 3d. 1788-09-03 I went over the river with Stacey and Romain upon a shooting party. We had tolerable success. It...
80521 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 September 1788] 1788-09-03 Wednesday 3d. Thermometer at 64 in the morning—76 at Noon and 75 at Night. Clear morning with the...
80522 Randolph, Edmund Madison, James To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, 3 September 1788 1788-09-03 I am much obliged to you for your favor of the 25th. ulto. Being in Wmsburg., when I received it,...
80523 Jefferson, Thomas Jay, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 3 September 1788 1788-09-03 By Mrs. Barclay I had the honour of sending you letters of the 3d. 10th. and 11th. of August:...
80524 Adams, John Quincy Thursday September 4th. 1788-09-04 Left Newbury-Port this morning with Bridge: we dined at Putnam’s in Dan vers. Very indifferent...
80525 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 September 1788] 1788-09-04 Thursday 4th. Thermometer at 64 in the Morng. 76 at Noon and 76 at Night. Calm morning with a...
80526 Cottineau de Kerloguen, Denis-Nicolas Washington, George To George Washington from Cottineau de Kerloguin, 4 … 1788-09-04 Ever Since the Glorious Peace which fixt the American Independance, have I wished for a...
80527 Jefferson, Thomas Cutting, John Brown From Thomas Jefferson to John Brown Cutting, 4 … 1788-09-04 Letters from New York of July 26. mention that the question on the new Constitution was not then...
80528 Jefferson, Thomas Paradise, Lucy Ludwell From Thomas Jefferson to Lucy Ludwell Paradise, 4 … 1788-09-04 I have spoken to Mr. Paradise on the subject you desire, and he assured me he should, before his...
80529 Rutledge, John, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Rutledge, Jr., 4 … 1788-09-04 In the month of September or October last, I do not exactly recollect which, I remember seeing at...
80530 Willink & Van Staphorst Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Willink & Van Staphorst, 4 … 1788-09-04 We have now to acquaint Your Excellency that Willm. Carmichael Esqr. Chargé des Affaires of the...
80531 Adams, John Quincy Friday September 5th. 1788-09-05 The assembly at the anniversary of the Ф.B.K. was more numerous than I have known it. There were...
80532 Steuben, Baron von Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Baron von Steuben, 5 … 1788-09-05 La lettre cy joint de Mr: R: Petters, contienne une preuve, non Equivoque, que dans mes prémieres...
80533 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 September 1788] 1788-09-05 Friday 5th. Thermometer at 71 in the Morning—83 at Noon and 82 at Night. But little wind and that...
80534 Biddle, Clement Washington, George To George Washington from Clement Biddle, 5 September … 1788-09-05 I have before me your esteemed favour of 25th ulto—A Vessel had set up for Alexandria but meeting...
80535 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from the marquis de Lafayette, 5 … 1788-09-05 Letter not found: from the marquis de Lafayette, 5 Sept. 1788. On 29 Jan. 1789 GW wrote Lafayette...
80536 Jefferson, Thomas Jay, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 5 September 1788 1788-09-05 I wrote you on the 3d. instant, and have this day received Mr. Remsen’s favor of July 25 ....
80537 Osborn, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Osborn, 5 September … 1788-09-05 [ Charly ], 5 Sep. 1788 . Unknown to TJ and ashamed for her request, she is in want, lives in a...
80538 Trumbull, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Trumbull, 5 September … 1788-09-05 By the Diligence which left this yesterday morning I sent two Books for Mr. Short and...
80539 Adams, John Quincy 6. 1788-09-06 Saltmarsh. Read. Mr. Cranch’s.
80540 Chipman, Nathaniel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Chipman, 6 … 1788-09-06 I have received by Capt. Ville your favour of the 22d of July. Since I wrote you I have had an...
80541 Hamilton, Alexander Gerry, Elbridge From Alexander Hamilton to Elbridge Gerry, [6 September … 1788-09-06 I am a member of a Committee, to whom the Baron De Steuben’s application to Congress founded upon...
80542 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 September 1788] 1788-09-06 Saturday 6th. Thermometer at 76 in the Morng.—76 at Noon and 72 at Night. Wind at No. Et. with...
80543 Madison, James, Sr. Madison, James From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 6 September … 1788-09-06 I forward this by the mail expecting it will be at Fredg. in time for Mr. A. Shepherd who left...
80544 Jefferson, Thomas Burwell, Nathaniel From Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Burwell, 6 September … 1788-09-06 The perfect confidence reposed in you by Mr. and Mrs. Paradise has induced them to ask your...
80545 Cutting, John Brown Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Brown Cutting, 6 … 1788-09-06 I was sensibly mortified on perusal of your letter of the 23d of Aug. to find that I was not the...
80546 Jefferson, Thomas Limozin, André From Thomas Jefferson to André Limozin, 6 September … 1788-09-06 The Treasury board having desired me to send to them the books and papers of Mr. Barclay’s...
80547 Jefferson, Thomas Commissioners of the Treasury From Thomas Jefferson to the Commissioners of the … 1788-09-06 Your favor of July 3. came to hand some days ago, and that of July 22. in the afternoon of...
80548 Adams, John Quincy Sunday September 7th. 1788. 1788-09-07 The Marquis to Sainneville, commander of the french Squadron now in the harbour, and the...
80549 Smith, Abigail Adams Adams, Abigail Abigail Adams Smith to Abigail Adams, 7 September 1788 1788-09-07 I received, on Wednesday last, from the hands of Mr. T——, your letter, No. 4, of August 25th. He...
80550 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 September 1788] 1788-09-07 Sunday 7th. Thermometer at 70 in the Morning—67 at Noon and 64 at Night. The Clouds of yesterday...
80551 Washington, George Barton, William From George Washington to William Barton, 7 September … 1788-09-07 At the same time I announce to you the receipt of your obliging letter of the 28th of last month,...
80552 Washington, George Peters, Richard From George Washington to Richard Peters, 7 September … 1788-09-07 Occasional absences from home—and occurrences—unimportant to any except myself—added to the want...
80553 Adams, John Quincy 8. 1788-09-08 Company afternoon. Angier.
80554 Gerry, Elbridge Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Elbridge Gerry, [8 September … 1788-09-08 I have received your letter requesting “any explanation which may serve to throw further light on...
80555 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Morris, 8 September … 1788-09-08 [ New York, September 8, 1788. Sends a petition to “The Honorable Richard Morris, Esq., Chief...
80556 Livingston, John H. Morris, Richard John H. Livingston, Thomas Jones, Alexander Hamilton … 1788-09-08 New York, September 8, 1788. Petition by the administrators of Philip Livingston’s estate to...
80557 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 September 1788] 1788-09-08 Monday 8th. Thermometer at 65 in the Morning—72 at Noon and 70 at Night. Thunder & Rain a little...
80558 Wythe, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Wythe, 8 September 1788 1788-09-08 I take the liberty, my dear Sir, to desire a mr Prince to call upon you; in case he do not meet...
80559 Nicolas & Jacob van Staphorst Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas & Jacob van Staphorst … 1788-09-08 We are honored with Your Excellency’s ever respected favor of 1 Inst, with the agreeable...
80560 Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Paine, 9–15 September … 1788-09-09 That I am a bad correspondent is so general a complaint against me, that I must expect the same...