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Results 80311-80340 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
We have a question of very great importance depending in Congress, in which the vote of your...
80312[Diary entry: 12 August 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 12th. Thermometer at 59 in the Morning— at Noon and 68 at Night. Wind Northerly all day...
The Bearer has my instructions to deliver you 50–Barrels of Corn on a/c of Wm Hunter Junr Esqr....
I have your Bond ⅌ £450 dated 12th Decemr 1774 & payable 10th Novemr 1775 to Mr Alexr Blair &...
The distress’d Situation of a Family in who’s welfare & happiness I am much interested, must...
Je vous rends mille graces, Monsieur, pour les observations meteorologiques que vous avez eu la...
Since my last to you, I have been honoured with your’s of the 18th. and 29th. of May and 5th. of...
La lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 17. de Mai est la premiere et la seule...
Obliged to make one letter serve for yourself and Mr. Shippen I have the honour to acknolege the...
La derniere lettre que j’ai reçu de Monsieur Bannister le pere est du 23me. Decembre. Il m’y...
8032113th. (Adams Papers)
Mrs. Emery who has been very ill these four or five weeks, died last night, leaving to the wide...
We came to town last evening to dine (by invitation) this day, with the President of Congress,...
I have been informed Congress have appointed a Committee to examine into the situation of their...
Capt Cochran of the British navy has requested my aid in recovering a family watch worn by his...
80325[Diary entry: 13 August 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 13th. Thermometer at 64 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at Night. Wind still Northerly...
By Capt. Ellwood who sails this day I have shipped the single & double refined Sugar, a Jug with...
Capt. Cochran of the British navy has requested my aid in recovering a family watch worn by his...
Inclosed are the first two numbers of the Republican, according to your request. Govr. Clinton’s...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your two favors of June and July 11. and to thank you for the...
J’ai l’honneur, Monsieur, de vous accuser la reception de plusieurs de vos lettres, c’est à dire,...
8033114th. (Adams Papers)
This was a day of humiliation and prayer at Mr. Carey’s: on account of his sickness; and to...
80332[Diary entry: 14 August 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 14th. Thermometer at 62 in the Morning—73 at Noon and 79 at Night. Wind Southerly all...
I have not yet been able to examine the drifted wood on my shores—but as I am informed you have...
The Committee appointed to enquire fully into the Proceedings of the Department of Foreign...
I thank you for your last letter. Will you be kind enough to favor me with your opinion on the...
Madrid, 14 Aug. 1788. After examining his accounts with Congress, he has taken liberty of drawing...
Your letter of the 24th had so tardy a passage to me that I supposed it must have been...
The Hague, 14 Aug. 1788. Hoping that TJ receives Gazette de Leide as ordered, he only encloses a...
Boston, 14 Aug. 1788. His “amiable young friend Mr. Hays leaves this town in a few days for...
I received your agreable favour of the 12th Ulto only yesterday, and I am very sorry that your...