Adams Papers

Abigail Adams to John Adams, 30 April 1797

Abigail Adams to John Adams

springfield sunday Evening April 30 1797

my dearest Friend

Thus far am I on my journey. I hope to reach East Chester on thursday Evening, and one day I must pass there, and one in N york. on Monday I shall sit forward for Philadelphia, and could wish you to meet me at muckleroys to dinner on twesday, if agreable to you, of which you can inform me by post addrest to me at N york to be left at our Sons.1

Brisler will be home by Saturday Night or sunday at furtherst with his Family and my two Girls— we have got on very well, only mrs Brisler the first night was sick all night with one of her old turns which a little fatigue always produces. I was thankfull he was with her to take charge of her—

I endeavour to feel cheerfull, and try to make Louissa so who is much affected by the Death of her sister, and has been quite sick. we have both had severe trials upon us the week we left home— I come to place my head upon your Bosom and to receive and give that consolation which sympathetick hearts alone know how to communicate.


A Adams2

RC (Adams Papers).

1Archibald McElroy operated the Cross Keys tavern in Bristol, Penn. (Laurens, Papers description begins The Papers of Henry Laurens, ed. Philip M. Hamer, George C. Rogers Jr., David R. Chesnutt, C. James Taylor, and others, Columbia, S.C., 1968–2003; 16 vols. description ends , 16:490).

2AA wrote JA again on 4 May, reporting the arrival of her travel party in Stamford, Conn., and noting that they hoped to reach Eastchester, N.Y., that day. She also reported that John Briesler was continuing on to Philadelphia and that she required funds to pay for the rest of her journey (Adams Papers).

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