Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Extracts from Resolutions of Congress, [ca. 5 July 1822]


Extracts from Resolutions of Congress

[ca. 5 July 1822]

Extracts of a Resolution, approved 27 December, 1813.


“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, of the public journals of the Senate and of the House of Representatives of the present, and every future, Congress, commencing with the present Session, and of the documents published under the order of the Senate and of the House of Representatives, respectively, from the commencement of the present Session,—shall be transmitted—one copy to each University and College in each State, and one copy to the Historical Society incorporated, or which shall be incorporated in each State.”   (to be sent when ready)1


Extracts of a Resolution, approved 23 December, 1817.


“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State cause to be distributed one set of state papers and public documents, printed by T. B. Wait and Sons, in pursuance of Acts of Congress heretofore passed,—to each University and College in the United States.”


Extracts of a Resolution, approved 23 January, 1819.


“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State cause to be distributed one copy of Seybert’s Statistical Annals—to each College and University in the United States, if applied for by such College or University.”


Extracts of a Resolution, approved 11 January, 1822.


“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be furnished to—the Colleges and Universities in the United States, each one copy—of the Secret Journals and of the Foreign Correspondence ordered to be printed by the several resolutions of Congress passed on the 27th of March, 1818, and of April 21st, 1820.”

Broadside (ViU: TJP); with one addition in a clerk’s hand as noted below; undated; with covering letter subjoined.

1Parenthetical phrase added in a clerk’s hand.

Index Entries

  • books; of state papers and public documents search
  • books; on politics search
  • Congress, U.S.; donates works to U.S. colleges and universities search
  • Congress, U.S.; secret journals of search
  • House of Representatives, U.S.; journals of search
  • schools and colleges; Congress donates books to search
  • Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the first meeting thereof to the dissolution of the Confederation, by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States search
  • Senate, U.S.; journals of search
  • Seybert, Adam; Statistical Annals search
  • State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States; given to U.S. colleges and universities search
  • Statistical Annals (A. Seybert) search
  • Thomas B. Wait & Sons (Boston firm); andState Papers and Publick Documents search
  • United States; state papers and public documents search