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Results 80111-80120 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Senate have this day rejected their own bill for raising a provisional army of 15,000. men. I think they will reject that for permitting private vessels to arm. The Representatives have thrown out the bill of the Senate for raising artillery. They yesterday put off one forbidding our citizens to serve in foreign vessels of war, till Nov. by a vote of 52. to 44. This day they came to a...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr. Chapman, and his thanks for the book on the subject of colonies. running over the table of contents it appears that the author has taken up the subject extensively & distributed the matter judiciously. the subject being very interesting to us, Th:J. will give it the earliest perusal he can, and with pleasure communicate his opinion on it to mr...
I nominate Peter Freneau of South Carolina to be Commissioner of loans for South Carolina. Philip Grymes; now District attorney of Orleans to be Register of the land office of the US. for the Eastern part of the said territory. Major Abimael Y. Nicoll of the regiment of Artillerists to be Adjutant & Inspector of the army. Robert Brent of the territory of Washington to be Paymaster of the army....
I feel myself bound in candor to communicate to you the step which the dangers impending over our country us, and the great change of circumstances since you left Charlottesville , have required me to take. the permission you requested to visit Norfolk was for a fortnight only which however I asked for a month, on my own responsibility; and in such terms as produced from the Marshal a...
I received yesterday your’s of the 22d. & learn with regret that you have been so unwell. This & the state of the ⟨country, the river &⟩ roads should delay your departure, at least till the weather is better. I should have set out this morning, but it is still raining, and the river all but ⟨swimm⟩ing at the last ford. If these circumstances are more favorable tomorrow I shall then set out, or...
I write to you, my dear Patsy, from the Canal of Languedoc, on which I am at present sailing, as I have been for a week past, cloudless skies above, limpid waters below, and on each hand a row of nightingales in full chorus. This delightful bird had given me a rich treat before at the fountain of Vaucluse. After visiting the tomb of Laura at Avignon, I went to see this fountain, a noble one of...
I inclose you a copy of a letter of mine to Mr. Grand which will explain to you a difficulty which arose as to a bill of exchange to which your name was subscribed. Considering myself as no ways authorized to direct the funds of the U.S. in France I had originally refused to intermeddle at all. But Mr. Grand would not pay at all then. I thereupon have undertaken to advise him till I can...
I have recieved your letter of May 23. which was in answer to mine of May 2. but I wrote you also on the 23d. of May, so that you still owe me an answer to that, which I hope is now on the road. In matters of correspondence as well as of money you must never be in debt. I am much pleased with the account you give me of your occupations, and the making the pudding is as good an article of them...
[ Philadelphia, 11 Nov. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “J.Key. to provide clothing and blankets.” Not found. On Key see Account Book under date of 24 Sep. 1783: “Agreed with John Key to serve me as steward another year for £80.”]
[ Annapolis, 22 Apr. 1784. Entry in SJL reads: “St. John. Consul of Fr. at N.Y. distillation of the potatoe—maps. Henry’s—Hutchins—F. & Jeff.” Not found.]