Adams Papers

To John Adams from the Massachusetts General Court, 18 June 1788

From the Massachusetts General Court

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In Senate June 18th 1788—

Ordered that Caleb Strong, Joseph Bradley Varnum, and Thomas Dawes esqrs, with such as the honorable House may join be a committee, to present to the honorable John Adams esqr the following address—

sent down for concurrence

Saml: Phillips junr: Presidt:

In the House of Representatives June 18th 1788—

Read & concurred & Mr Russell, of Boston, Mr Jones, Mr Heath, & Mr Ames are joined

Theodore Sedgwick, Sp’kr.

The return of yourself and family to the United States, and to this your native State in particular, is gratifying to all who recollect, your many successfull labours in the service of your country.

To the patriot citizen of a free Commonwealth, the affection of an enlightened people will appear the most illustrious reward.

The Legislature of Massachusetts just to the merit of all her citizens, & particularly mindful of yours, participate in the public satisfaction which is manifest on your arrival: and in these congratulations the Legislature are confident that they express the sentiments of the people.—

RC (Adams Papers).

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