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Results 8011-8020 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your kind letter of the 11 th has given me great satisfaction for altho’ I could not doubt but that the hand of age was pressing heavily on you, as on myself, yet we like to know the particulars and the degree of that pressure. much reflection too has been produced by your suggestion of lending my letter of the 1 st to a printer. I have generally great aversion to the insertion of my letters...
In answering the enquiries of your letter of the 12 th I must first observe that what I shall say is on the report of my neighbors, & not of my own knolege. the mr M c kennies (for there are two brothers of them) came to Charlottesville some two or three years ago, & set up a weekly paper on a small scale, at 3.D. a year. it was understood that they had little capital, and they did the whole...
Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Judah for the poem of Odofreide, of which he has been so kind as to send him a copy. the chill of 80. winters has so compleatly extinguished his sensibility to the beauties of poetry; as to leave him no longer competent either to enjoy or judge them. he transfers therefore to the younger members of his family a pleasure which their more susceptible...
I am in hopes you will have discovered that the triplicate of the bill to Williams was omitted to be inclosed in yours of the 24 th as therein supposed, and that it is now on the way to me, as I withold the duplicate of my letter to Appleton in order to inclose it to him. affectionate salutations. P.S. do not forget my quarterly acc t ending with this month. PoC ( MHi ); on verso of reused...
I omitted in my last to enclose a triplicate of the bill of exchange forwarded to M r Williams of London , and do so now under cover herewith. I paid your curtail of $500 at the Farmers Bank this day it being taken off your $2500 note instead of the $4,000.—    I have heard nothing yet of your bundle from Petersburg or from Mayo , nor have I been able to forward your herrings and Shad to Milton
PROSPECTUS of the WASHINGTON REPUBLICAN, and Congressional Examiner. A new paper, under the above title, will be published in the City of Washington , on the evening of Wednesday the seventh day of August next , and will be continued as an evening paper, twice a week. Fifty years have not yet passed away, since the patriarchs of the Revolution affixed their names to that “D eclaration ,” which...
The approaching Anniversary of American Independence, again awakens the feelings of every American Citizen, and inspires them with a lively Sensation, in the recollection of that important event, which, has given their country a distinguished rank among the nations of the globe, and elevated her, to her present State of eminence— The Washington Society of Republican young Men of this City,...
Your two Letters have arrived safe and as we are all about as well as usual I shall appropriate this morning to writing you although our lives are so very quiet that it will be difficult to find a subject for your amusement— Your disappointment in not seeing Miss Peter must have been provoking enough. It will however be a Lesson and induce you to be always so far beautified as to be ready on...
Tho L M c Kenney ’s to Tho Jefferson —greeting—& begs leave to present him with a prospectus of the “Washington Republican & Congressional Examiner,” and to assure M r Jefferson of his veneration for him.— Tho L M c Kenney begs leave to add his best wishes for
I have recieved and read with thankfulness & pleasure your denunciation of the abuses of tobacco & wine. yet however sound in it’s principles, I expect it will be but a sermon to the wind. you will find it as difficult to inculcate these sanative precepts on the sensualists of the present day, as to convince an Athanasian that there is but one God. I wish success to both attempts, and am happy...