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Results 801-850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
801[Diary entry: 29 May 1775] (Washington Papers)
29. Dined at the City Tavern. Spent the Evening in my own Room.
M r Cary is unfortunately from home; I have ordered Phil to wait and have left a message for him...
Letter not found : from Maj. Gen. Steuben, 29 June 1779. GW wrote Steuben on 1 July: “The...
It was not untill Yesterday that I recieved (under cover from Col. Talmadge) the Letter which...
Your favor of the 2d. inst. is duly received. I agree chearfully to the alteration you propose,...
I was last Evening favd with yours of yesterday. It gives me pleasure to hear that you have...
807[Diary entry: 22 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
22. My Brother and my self rid to my Mill & returnd to Dinner.
I find myself honored with a Letter from Mr Randolph inclosing an appointment for me, as Consul...
809[Diary entry: 8 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Went to Belvoir with Mr. Magowan, dined and Returnd in the afternoon.
The inclosed resolutions were reported by a committee appointed to consider of a letter from...
Annexed is a Copy of my last Letter, which from the tenor of yours of the 7th inst. I am inclined...
812[Diary entry: 25 March 1766] (Washington Papers)
25. Hard frost—afterwards warm & hazy. Wind Southwardly. Sowed Hemp at Muddy hole to the third...
Th: Jefferson informs mr Franzoni that he had enquiry made into the subject of his two statues,...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 10th instant inclosing the arrangement of the ninth Virginia...
At a meeting of the Members, of the “Antient Plymouth Society . (Instituted in the Seventeenth...
I have desired Genl Gates to give you immediate information of the arrival of the Enemy’s Fleet...
I take the liberty of troubling you once more in behalf of my Nephew Nathaniel Pendleton junr. of...
I wrote you on the 26th. of the last month, and on the [31st received] your favor of the 17th. my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been long, very long, without receiving a Letter from...
I have signed the warrant for Mr. George Barrell to be a midshipman & inclosed it to his uncle...
RC (Maine Historical Society, Portland). Franked “public Service” and “J. Madison Jr.” Addressed...
I must beg of you to tell the Doctor to give me and my brother our pay they are going to arrest...
Charlottesville, 12 Aug. 1791 . Knowing that TJ will be interested, he informs him of the good...
Either inaccurate expression in myself, or the misapp r ehension of a friend to whom I had...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress I received the...
[ Philadelphia, March 17, 1783. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from General Hamilton to...
I should not acquit myself to You, certainly not to my own Convictions and Feelings, if I was not...
I have duly received your favor accompanying that of Mr. Van bram Houckgeete on the subject of a...
AL : Library of Congress We have expected some Remittances from you to our credit, in consequence...
Your favor of Jan. 18. came duly to hand. I w very willingly become a subscriber to your intended...
I received your letter of the 7th instant, covering an account of Stock purchased by you for the...
I have been acting some time past under a Commission from Timothy Pickering Esqr. as Post master...
I am honoured with your Excellencies favour of the 14th Ultimo, the Ammunition directed General...
Although I have never had the Honor either of corresponding or a very intimate acquaintance with...
I am informed that the students of this College, seized with the general spirit that is pervading...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me leave to thank you for your kindness to me when in...
I am this day favor’d with yours of the 27th & 29th of May. I am surprised at the accounts you...
838General Orders, 9 July 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . A transcript of another orderly book from GW’s headquarters includes...
I have the Honor of transmitting to you herewith enclosed, a Packet which I received last Evening...
840[Diary entry: 12 November 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 12th. Thermometer at 44 in the Morning—52 at Noon and 51 at Night. Wind at So. Wt. all...
MS Account Book: American Philosophical Society This ledger, labeled “Franklin & Hall No. 1,”...
I wrote you on Friday last requesting your earliest arrival with the Troops under your command to...
I am to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 20th January 1777, in which you propose to...
§ From Joseph Kent. 11 February 1814. “Hoping that it is your intention to select a character...
I inclose you a copy of an Affidavit of Thomas Cook relative to the outrage lately committed in...
I recieved last night your letter of the 19th. by which I learn you have done 250. f. of the...
847[Diary entry: 5 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
5. Richard Talbot, one of Mr. Balls hands was absent from work. John Harvey was also absent from...
This letr. is written purposely to inform you of the project mentioned to you in New york...
No new accounts were initiated during the period of this volume. The following accounts cover...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Nov. 23. the banks, bankrupt law, manufactures,...