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Results 801-810 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
801[Diary entry: 29 May 1775] (Washington Papers)
29. Dined at the City Tavern. Spent the Evening in my own Room.
M r Cary is unfortunately from home; I have ordered Phil to wait and have left a message for him with his W w ife . I am afraid there is little prospect of getting him: Will you sign my bond RC ( ViU : TJP-ER
Letter not found : from Maj. Gen. Steuben, 29 June 1779. GW wrote Steuben on 1 July: “The proposals towards a monthly inspection contained in … your letter of the 29th appear in general to be very eligible.”
It was not untill Yesterday that I recieved (under cover from Col. Talmadge) the Letter which your Excellency did me the Honor to write on the 19 th . of last Month, with the one addressed to you by several Gentlemen of Litchfield requesting your Interposition with ^me^ for the Pardon of Israel Stone, who is now under Sentence of confinement for Life on Conviction of Forgery—. To your...
Your favor of the 2d. inst. is duly received. I agree chearfully to the alteration you propose, in our terms, for converting the current into sterling money. It will guard against injustice, should the madness of paper money invade our assembly. I send you the inclosed paper finally settling this business. I am not well acquainted with the situation of your matter in Virginia. I had hoped that...
I was last Evening favd with yours of yesterday. It gives me pleasure to hear that you have executed your Business with so much ease and satisfaction. I have had the same favorable reports from several of the neighbouring Counties. You will be pleased to call upon the Commissaries who are in Brunswic and direct them to attend at the several places fixed upon by the Magistrates to receive and...
807[Diary entry: 22 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
22. My Brother and my self rid to my Mill & returnd to Dinner.
I find myself honored with a Letter from Mr Randolph inclosing an appointment for me, as Consul for the United States of America; Your Excellency may be rest assured that I feel a singular pleasure in being appointed to the Honnor of serving the United States, and what adds much to my gratification is, the foreseing pleasure to convince every american of my zeal and wish to be of some Service...
809[Diary entry: 8 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Went to Belvoir with Mr. Magowan, dined and Returnd in the afternoon.
The inclosed resolutions were reported by a committee appointed to consider of a letter from general Lee to the president. We have nothing to observe upon them unless it be, that the surgeons whom the director general of the hospital is empowered to appoint, and the regimental surgeons to be nominated by the convention, according to a resolution lately forwarded to you, are different officers....