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Results 801-850 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I received by M rs: Atkinson your favour of the 20 th: inst t: which has added not a little to...
If at any Time heretofore I have seemed to infringe upon your Prerogatives, I ask your Pardon. It...
Inclosed with this you have an Evening Post, containing some of the tender Mercies of the...
Yesterday I had your favour of 16. M r Osgoods sermon has been printed here. I have heard M r...
I received two days ago your kind favour of the 3 d: inst t: and it was very precious as...
I have just received your letter of the 8 th of Feb. and feel grieved to find you in so low...
I got home the Friday-noon after I left you, & had the great satisfaction of finding all well—my...
We have no News here, except what We get from your Country. The Privateers act with great Spirit,...
Yesterday afternoon Mr. V——handed me your letter. I am sorry that you were prevented from...
Have you seen a List of the Addressers of the late Governor? There is one abroad, with the...
I have been honoured by your Letter of the 18 th — I have noticed its Contents, I consent to your...
Though not many days have elapsed since I wrote you last, and I scarcely know what I can write...
When a Man is seated, in the Midst of forty People some of whom are talking, and others...
This Morning We crossed the North River at Poughkeepsie, on the Ice, after having ridden many...
In some of my former Letters I mentioned the Probability, that Belchers Place would shortly be on...
I have a thousand times wish’d to express to you my gratitude for the attentions I received from...
Not receiving any Line from you by this day’s post, I recur to your favor of April 3d. already...
The Die is cast, and you must prepare yourself for honourable Tryals. I must wait to know whether...
My dear Mrs. Adams will undoubtedly Wonder that she has not heard from me since I Left Braintree,...
The Lyars Stick at nothing. The Paragraphs in the enclosed Paper, which respect me, are impudent...
D r Blair has resigned and D r Green is our Chaplain, but Miss Blair is married to M r Roberdeau...
I have written you but once Since I bid you farewell. I was Seized in Connecticutt with one of...
I hope my dear Sister you have receiv’d the Letter You was looking for in Callahan. I think I did...
I had the pleasure to hear of you several times while you was on your journey by persons who met...
This is the last Opportunity I shall have to write you from Braintree for some Weeks. You may...
I have received your letters of Jan. 3 d & 6 th with all that pleasure & gratitude which so much...
My Friends anxity I Wonder not at. Wish I could say anything that would Give that Relief her...
Within this half Hour, I received yours of the 18 by the Post. I have only Time before the Post...
Did I feel myself conscious of any inclination to suspend a Correspondence that has given...
It is now past Ten o Clock Am. and a violent Snow Storm which began about 7 o Clock this Morning...
Your kind favor of July 19 th. was transmitted from Hamburg by our cousin Welsh & came to hand...
I have recived your agreable Letter of the 5 th. of may and am much obliged for it, at the same...
I promiss’d to write you by the Post when your Furniture Sail’d but Doctor Tufts Said he had done...
The two Armies, on Long Island have been shooting at each other, for this whole Week past, but We...
I write now merely to inform you that I have reciev’d your two Lettes of the 9th & 13th of this...
I should have addressed your excellency sooner, but that my mind, which is the weakest —(or, as I...
I can never Sufficiently express my thanks or my gratitude for your last kind & affectionate...
Your letters of May 20. and 25. have both reached me forwarded from London. The latter was...
As I have been in Daily expectations of seeing London, I have defered answering your Letter,...
About five O Clock this Morning, I went with young Dr. Bond at his Invitation and in his...
I have yours of the 6 th. by the Post of this day. I have proposed to Brisler to give him 300...
I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 12 th: , this morning, enclosing a letter from my...
Under a Date of Aug. 24 I did myself the Pleasure to endeavour to convey to you later Information...
A sincere desire to hear of your welfare prompted me to write that I might have the pleasure to...
Your favour of Nov r: 26. Was not quite five months in reaching me. I received it about a week...
I have made the necessary Inquiry concerning Seeds And have found the Price so extravagant that I...
Your kind favor of the 2 d: inst t: found me as you conjectured at Philadelphia, fixed in my...
I have to thank my Friend Mrs. Adams for a very agreable Letter Received a few days since. I...
I have this moment received your Letter of the 26 th and having a Leasure moment I embrace it to...
We are honor’d with your Ladyship’s letter of the 15th Jany. last, and deem ourselves peculiarly...