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Results 801-810 of 184,431 sorted by author
I sit down to write you this post, and from my present feelings tis the last I shall be able to write for some time if I should do well. I have been very unwell for this week past, with some complaints that have been new to me, tho I hope not dangerous. I was last night taken with a shaking fit, and am very apprehensive that a life was lost. As I have no reason to day to think otherways; what...
I cannot begin my Letter by thanking you for yours. You write so seldom, that you, do not give me the opportunity, yet I think you would feel dissapointed if you did not get a few Lines from me. I congratulate you upon your Success at Commencment, and as you have acquired a reputation upon entering the stage of the World, you will be no less solicitious to preserve and increase it, through the...
Thus far am I on my journey. I hope to reach East Chester on thursday Evening, and one day I must pass there, and one in N york. on Monday I shall sit forward for Philadelphia, and could wish you to meet me at muckleroys to dinner on twesday, if agreable to you, of which you can inform me by post addrest to me at N york to be left at our Sons. Brisler will be home by Saturday Night or sunday...
I wrote you by Capt. Cazneau a wedensday, but as the post will go to day I will not omit telling you how we do, tho I repeat over what I have written before. If I do you must excuse it as I forget one day what I wrote the day before. This small pox is a great confuser of the mind, I am really put to it to spell the commonest words. I feel well myself, only much weakened and enfeabled, I want...
William Shaw brought me your Letter the day before Yesterday. I had learnt before, by the public papers, the Death of mrs Bingham, and many have been my reflection upon it. [“]Health presuming, Beauty Blooming, ah how dreadfull tis to dye,” says fair Rossomond; that mrs Bingham was one of the most Elegant, and highly accomplishd women our Country has furnished, no one who knew her, will deny....
I yesterday received your Letter of March 11 th it would give the President great satisfaction to communicate to the publick the dispatches of our Envoys if he could do it consistant with their safety and Security. the Portugeze minister is imprisoned now in France. we have not Certainty that ours have left Paris—and so critical are the times, that our Ministers cannot communicate...
your Letters by Captain Callihan did not come to hand untill the 7 th ult. and I embrace the earliest opportunity of writing you. in yours you mention the account forwarded by you last fall, which was duly received, and I thought it had been acknowledged; I sometimes leave these matters in hopes mr Adams will notice them, but he is too much engaged in publick affairs, to attend at all, to his...
Your Letter of June 13 th came duly to hand; if it had contained no other Sentiments and opinions than those which my Letter of condolence could have excited, and which are expressed in the first page of Your reply, our correspondence would have terminated here; but you have been pleased to enter upon some subjects which call for a reply; and as you observe that You have wished for an...
I last Evening received Your favours of April 21, 23, 24 & 26 th . I think an other week will discover the Sense of the people so fully, that the Representitives can no longer delay to perform their part. I have not on any occasion Seen so general and universal an allarm. The people have waited During a Months Debate with patience and temper, expecting that in the End, the House would comply,...
Mr Smith called upon me a few moments this forenoon & brought me your letter of May 9 th: . I received the former in due order. General Marshall is nominated Secretary of State, Mr Dexter Secretary of War in lieu of General Marshall promoted, further I say not, sensations of various kinds will undoubtedly be felt and many reflections no doubt be cast, yet so it is. You know the resolution has...