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Results 801-850 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
801 Madison, James James Madison: Notes on nullification and the nature of … 1831-12-01 thinks it more desirable than probable that on discussing the urgent case of S. C, abstract...
802 Madison, James Gurley, Ralph Randolph James Madison to Ralph Randolph Gurley, 29 December … 1831-12-29 I received in due time your letter of the 21st Ult. and with due sensibility to the subject of...
803 Madison, James Michie, David James Madison to David Michie, 24 December 1831 1831-12-24 I have recd. your friendly letter of the 16th & am much obliged by the kind interest you take in...
804 Madison, James Sprague, William Buell James Madison to William B. Sprague, 24 December 1831 1831-12-24 I have recd your letter of the 12th and would cheerfully make a direct application for the...
805 Everett, Edward Madison, James Edward Everett to James Madison, 23 December 1831 1831-12-23 I have this day Your favor of the 21st, accompanied with a copy of a letter of the 14th Nov. The...
806 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 21 December 1831 1831-12-21 In my letter thanking you for the Copy of your address to the American Institute of New York I...
807 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 21 December 1831 1831-12-21 I return the Newspapers. The passage referred to is a sad sample of Pulpit authenticity, justice...
808 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 18 December 1831 1831-12-18 Yours of the 14th. with the printed communication is recd. It was not my object in the remarks on...
809 Michie, David Madison, James David Michie to James Madison, 16 December 1831 1831-12-16 I have thought the enclosed paper might give you perhaps, a better acct. of the Belgium & Holland...
810 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 14 December 1831 1831-12-14 Your letter & the Speech are recd.—Your signature on the frank indicated but too plainly the...
811 Sprague, William Buell Madison, James William B. Sprague to James Madison, 12 December 1831 1831-12-12 I fear you will think, and not without good reason, that I am presuming too much upon your...
812 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 10 December 1831 1831-12-10 My Rheumatism is very obstinate. It has baffled all my remedial adjustments including the oiled...
813 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 1 December 1831 1831-12-01 I return with my thanks the printed speech of Colo. Hayne on the 4th. of July last. It is blotted...
814 Griffith, Thomas Waters Madison, James Thomas W. Griffith to James Madison, 1 December 1831 1831-12-01 The acknowledgement of the receipt of my communication on the subject of the Constitution and...
815 Madison, James Rose, Hugh James Madison to H[ugh Francis] Rose, November 1831 1831-11-01 I have recd. yr. letr. of the 4th. The former one did not miscarry, and an answer wd not have...
816 Ringgold, Tench Madison, James Tench Ringgold to James Madison, 29 November 1831 1831-11-29 Immediately after the receipt of your kind letter I wrote to Mr Ludwell Lee on the subject...
817 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared James Madison to Charles J. Ingersoll, 28 November 1831 1831-11-28 confidential I have received my dear Sir your favor of with a copy of the address of the late...
818 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 28 November 1831 1831-11-28 I beg leave to enclose for your perusal a letter which I lately received from the Editor of the...
819 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 25 November 1831 1831-11-25 I have received your favor of the 14th. instant. The simple question is whether the Draft sent by...
820 Gurley, Ralph Randolph Madison, James Ralph Randolph Gurley to James Madison, 21 November … 1831-11-21 You have, doubtless, observed, that public attention in Virginia, and other sections of our...
821 Ingersoll, Charles Jared Madison, James Charles J. Ingersoll to James Madison, 16 November 1831 1831-11-16 If the topics treated in the Address herewith are dealt with so as to meet your approbation it...
822 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 14 November 1831 1831-11-14 I return you many thanks for the copy of your late address to the "American Institute of N....
823 Madison, James Scott, Alexander James Madison to Alexander Scott, 14 November 1831 1831-11-14 If my memory cd. ever have aided you, in the searches, you are making, the lapse of time has...
824 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 14 November 1831 1831-11-14 My mind has got into a new perplexity about Pinckney’s Draft of a Constitution. By a rigid...
825 Taliaferro, William F. Madison, James William F. Taliaferro to James Madison, 14 November … 1831-11-14 It appears that my wife is only third in descent from Mr. Henry Willis who was one of the...
826 Scott, Alexander Madison, James Alexander Scott to James Madison, 10 November 1831 1831-11-10 I obtained at Richmond a few months ago, by the decision of the Governor and council a warrant...
827 Madison, James Francis, John W. James Madison to John W. Francis, 7 November 1831 1831-11-07 I thank you Sir for the pleasure afforded by your interresting address to the Philolemian Society...
828 Madison, James Maury, William James Madison to William Maury, October 1831 1831-10-01 The circular of 30t. Sepr. from your Honor with which you favored me was duly recd. That of the...
829 Bates, Stephen Madison, James Stephen Bates to James Madison, 31 October 1831 1831-10-31 I take the liberty to send you herewith a pamphlet containing the three letters of the Hon...
830 Madison, James Ringgold, Tench James Madison to Tench Ringgold, 24 October 1831 1831-10-24 On the rect. of your obliging letter of the 23d. Ult. I requested a Friend at our University, to...
831 Madison, James Chapman, Reynolds James Madison to Reynolds Chapman, 23 October 1831 1831-10-23 I return the papers accompanying yours of yesterday. I have run over tho’ very hastily, the...
832 Chapman, Reynolds Madison, James Reynolds Chapman to James Madison, 22 October 1831 1831-10-22 I have at last, got the decree, in the case of your mother’s estate, compleated, which I propose...
833 Tucker, George Madison, James George Tucker to James Madison, 21 October 1831 1831-10-21 I am sorry to say that I have not been able to find, among the papers of R. H. Lee, deposited in...
834 Madison, James Townsend, John James Madison to John Townsend, 18 October 1831 1831-10-18 I received on the 14th. your letter of the 3d inst. and will endeavour to answer the several...
835 Madison, James Tucker, George James Madison to George Tucker, 17 October 1831 1831-10-17 I understand that the correspondence between Judge Pendleton & Richard H. Lee has been deposited...
836 Madison, James Dunglison, Robley James Madison to Robley Dunglison, 14 October 1831 1831-10-14 I feel some regret at disappointing the wishes of Mr Brooks conveyed in yours of the 11th. But I...
837 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 12 October 1831 1831-10-12 Your favour of 5. inst arrived by yesterday’s mail, and I lose no time in apprizing you that my...
838 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 12 October 1831 1831-10-12 I have used no ceremony in retaining the enclosed $15. until I could conveniently return it. Do...
839 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 11 October 1831 1831-10-11 A person of the name of Brooks—an artist, who is exercising his Profession at Charlottesville and...
840 McGowin, William Madison, James William McGowin to James Madison, 7 October 1831 1831-10-07 Accept from an obscure citizen, this small tribute of respect to that sterling worth, which has...
841 Madison, James Patterson, Robert M. James Madison to Robert M. Patterson, 6 October 1831 1831-10-06 I have recd. your letter of the 3. inst. addressed to the Executive Committee, and refer you to...
842 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 5 October 1831 1831-10-05 Among my letters from Judge Pendleton is one which relates to the Judicial Bill, as then before...
843 Chapman, Reynolds Madison, James Reynolds Chapman to James Madison, 5 October 1831 1831-10-05 Mr. Davis has just requested me to send you the enclosed $100, and to ask you to acknowledge the...
844 Madison, James Taylor, James James Madison to James Taylor, 4 October 1831 1831-10-04 I take advantage, my dear Sir of your permission to adopt the answers of others to your obliging...
845 Madison, James Bradford, James James Madison to James Bradford, 3 October 1831 1831-10-03 I have recd your letter of the 26th. ult and am sorry I am so little able to answer it with the...
846 Patterson, Robert M. Madison, James Robert M. Patterson to James Madison, 3 October 1831 1831-10-03 A large number, (between 70 & 80,) of the Students of the University have lately formed a Corps...
847 Townsend, John Madison, James John Townsend to James Madison, 3 October 1831 1831-10-03 Personally unacquainted as I am with you, I fear that the liberty I take in addressing to you...
848 Ney, Peter Stuart Madison, James Peter Stuart Ney to James Madison, 1 October 1831 1831-10-01 The honour of an introduction to the revered Mr. Madison has not been my happy lot. The subject...
849 Latham, Maury Madison, James Maury Latham & Co. to James Madison, 30 September 1831 1831-09-30 Since our last monthly report, no material change can be stated to have taken place in the Cotten...
850 Madison, James Biddle, Nicholas James Madison to Nicholas Biddle, 29 September 1831 1831-09-29 J. Madison returns his thanks for the copy of the "Report to the Stockholders of the Bank of the...