George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Livingston, 24 April 1779

From William Livingston

Trenton [N.J.] 24 April 1779

Dear Sir

I received your Excellency’s favour of yesterday’s date, respecting your intentions of removing the Troops from Elizabeth Town & Monmouth; and am obliged to you for your seasonable intimation of that step, to enable me to provide for the security of those parts of the Country, by detachments from our Militia.

The contents of your Excellency’s confidential Letter shall remain a profound secret with me.1 I am with the greatest Esteem & affection Dear Sir your Excellency’s most humble Sr.

Wil: Livingston

ALS, DLC:GW; ADf, in private hands.

1GW’s “confidential Letter” explaining his reasons for removing the garrisons at Elizabeth and Monmouth, N.J., was dated 22 April; his official letter on the subject was dated 23 April.

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