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Results 8001-8050 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In answer to yours, of the 15. June and to the first question in it, I am not able from memory to...
A few days since I forwarded to you by Mail a printed Circular, the object of which is to gain...
A fiew days ago I sent you by the Mail a printed Circular; the object of which is to gain...
On 24. I rem d to M Dodge S Girard s Bill for 960 fs at 5 20/ for which I paid him 184. 61 I rec d
To find the Moon’s parallaxes in longitude and latitude, independent of the altitude and...
Mr. Hopkinson came yesterday to see me and in the evening accompanied me to the Academy of Arts...
I have recd. & looked over the poem accompanying your favor of the 14th. Altho’ candor will not...
The method of determining the longitude of any place by occultations, and solar eclipses, has...
Your kind letter of the 11th. has given me great satisfaction for altho’ I could not doubt but...
The Mayor of the City of Boston, most respectfully solicits the Honor of President Adams’...
Your kind letter of the 11 th has given me great satisfaction for altho’ I could not doubt but...
In answering the enquiries of your letter of the 12 th I must first observe that what I shall say...
Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Judah for the poem of Odofreide, of which he has been so kind...
I am in hopes you will have discovered that the triplicate of the bill to Williams was omitted to...
I omitted in my last to enclose a triplicate of the bill of exchange forwarded to M r Williams of...
PROSPECTUS of the WASHINGTON REPUBLICAN, and Congressional Examiner. A new paper, under the above...
The approaching Anniversary of American Independence, again awakens the feelings of every...
Your two Letters have arrived safe and as we are all about as well as usual I shall appropriate...
Tho L M c Kenney ’s to Tho Jefferson —greeting—& begs leave to present him with a prospectus of...
I have recieved and read with thankfulness & pleasure your denunciation of the abuses of tobacco...
Since last Court when, at Charlottesville , you desired me to send im in my account—one...
M r Jefferson   To Tho G Watkins  D r   $ Cts 1821   July 20.   Prescription & medicine at
I have heard read your horrible Odofriede; although there are marks of genius and talents, which...
Know all Men by these presents, That I John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, Esqr. in...
I received your Letters written in the Steam Boat, and that from Philadelphia—The immediate...
We have moved into our new lodgings and are very comfortably established with a kind old Lady who...
The receiveing a letter from you was a Pleaseing favour which I had look’d for som time, and in...
Progress of the work for the University I find I have taken this Worke much too Low I now think...
A few days since we had the honor of receiving your valued letter of the 11 th Ins t and Shortly...
I have heard read your horrible Odo friede; although there are marks of genius & talents, which...
I thank you for the vol you sent me containing the trial of Lt Abbot. I am too blind to read it...
In presenting to the People of the United States, proposals for so important a work as the...
I thank you for the Vol. you sent me containing the trial of Lt Abbot. I am too blind to read it...
Your No 33. has pleased me much and I beg you to continue your observations on the cavilling and...
We arrived here yesterday morning after a rapid tho’ not remarkably pleasant journey from French...
In presenting to the people of the United States, p[r]oposals for so important a work as the one...
This is merely for the pleasure of inclosing a News paper, in which you will find that the bill...
In presenting to the People of the United States , proposals for so important a work as the one...
When my son James lately left this place it so happened that I could not write to you as I...
Agreeable to the directions contained in your last , now before me, have this day ford d to...
Inclosed is a bill of lading for a box of seeds received per the Ship Six Brothers , Williams...
Your favor was rec d & I have procured from M r Girard 960 Franks on Paris which I have remittd...
I have recd. your favor of the 9th. with a copy of your Lecture on Tobacco & ardent spirits. It...
It may be deemed a trespass for a stranger to address you and that too on business of a private...
Your letter of the 10 th instant enclosing a draft on B. Peyton of Richmond for 163.20 cents was...
We have accomplished our journey thus far as well as I anticipated but my brother was so ill this...
I was in hopes my letter of the 6 th would have got to hand with that of the 5 th and saved the...
Presuming that herrings are now at market, I will thank you to send 6. barrels for me to Lynchbg...
It is so long since I had the honor of seeing M r Jefferson , that I must appear almost a perfect...
M r Killes Hord , who by the request of my Brother Rich d Duke came up for the purpose of seeing...