Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, 20 October [1794]

To Elizabeth Hamilton

Bedford [Pennsylvania] Oct 20 [1794]

I thank you my beloved for your letter of the 14th.1 I am very sorry that some of my sweet angels have been again sick. You do not mention my precious John.2 I hope he continues well.

The day after tomorrow I march with the army. Be assured that there is not the least appearance of opposition from the Insurgents & that I shall take the greatest care of myself & I hope by the Middle of November to return. Have patience my love & think of me constantly as I do of you with the utmost tenderness.

Kisses & blessings without number to You & my Children

A Hamilton

Mrs. Hamilton

ALS, American Academy of Arts and Letters, on deposit in the Library of Congress.

1Letter not found.

2John Church Hamilton, H’s fourth son.

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