George Washington Papers

To George Washington from David Redick, 22 October 1794

From David Redick

Washington [Pa.] Octobr 22d 1794


Since my arrival from Carlisle I have been waited on for news, by great numbers of people of various opinions and Spirits; and am Constrained from a Sense of duty to inform you Sir that I have not discovered that Contrition for past crimes which the inormity of them and the danger approaching ought to have produced—fear however, has opporated on many—Some have departed the country others appear still hardned against any sense of danger what effect the proposed meeting will have on friday Next I know not1—the President will be early informed. I am Sorry to acknowledge my hopes are less Sanguine than they were Some days ago—I am Sir with profound respect your most obt Sert

David Redick

ALS, DLC: Pennsylvania–Whiskey Rebellion Collection.

1The next Friday was 24 October. On that date the township committees from the four western counties met with “sundry other Citizens” at Parkinson’s Ferry and resolved that “the civil authority is now fully competent to enforce the laws and to punish both past and future offences, in as much as the people at large are determined to support every description of civil officers in the legal discharge of their duty”; that those charged with offences “during the late disturbances … ought immediately to surrender themselves … and that we will unite in giving our assistance to bring to justice such offenders as shall not surrender”; that offices of inspection “may immediately be opened … without any danger of violence … and that the distillers are willing and ready to enter their stills.” The meeting then appointed Redick, William Findley, Ephraim Douglass, and Thomas Morton to “wait on” GW with the resolutions (Pittsburgh Gazette, 1 Nov.).

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