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Results 79861-79890 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Col. Mentges delivered me your letter from Hartley’s —Upon interrogating him, I do not find that there are more than two detachments of Militia on the way—one of New Jersey which by his account is likely to be pretty far advanced of Carlisle—& the other of Pensylvania from Allen Town, about fifty or sixty, more in arrear. Mentges is not very perspicuous which may have led you to a different...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 23 Oct. 1794. On 2 Nov., GW wrote Pearce: “I have received your several letters of the 28th of Septr—and 5th 17th and 23d of last month.”
The letter from Dr Edwards, which I have the honor of inclosing, is remarkable; as it comes from a man, who has been always considered, as being associated in what are called the Blue-Stocking politics of Pennsylvania. The letter, to which he alludes from Mr Jay, is on the 31st of July, and the original had been long ago received. A Jersey paper of Yesterday contains the second number of a...
This moment the merchants have addressed a letter to me, requesting the appointment of an agent to prosecute their appeals in England. I have put it into the hands of a transcriber, that a copy may be forwarded to you to morrow; when I shall take the liberty of adding some remarks. The commissioners of the fœderal city have entered into an arrangement with Mr Greenleaf, and have inclosed me a...
I received a few days ago your friendly enquiries after my health. I have had a painful and tedious rheumatic complaint. It has now nearly left me. I inclose for your perusal a little treatise by Kuster on the use of the Middle voice in Greek. I never saw a copy of it till I met with this, nor had ever heard of it. I presume therefore it may be new to you; and if it gives you half the pleasure...
Having contracted for a number of vessels for the timber for the Frigates in the middle & Southern States, and having written to authorize the procuring a proportionate quantity for Boston and Portsmouth N: H: I am mortified & somewhat embarrassed by the receipt of a letter of which a copy is enclosed from Mr. Morgan. He sailed from Philada. on the 14~ of June. The agents messr. Habersham &...
There is a report here, that a captain in the militia, who went from Philadelphia, and received the votes of his company, has destroyed the polls. It is added also, that they were unanimous for Swanwick. I am told, that some of the furious ones, since the publication of Mr Jay’s and Lord Grenville’s papers, are very absurdly offended, that Mr Jay, instead of negotiating , did not make a...
The merchants have not yet made their report, as to the appointment of an agent. I cannot account for not receiving letters from Colo. Monroe by the return of the vessel, which carried him. I flatter myself still, that the Southern mail of tomorrow may bring some from Baltimore, where she arrived. William Mclung has refused to accept his commission, as attorney for the district of Kentucky. I...
Since my arrival from Carlisle I have been waited on for news, by great numbers of people of various opinions and Spirits; and am Constrained from a Sense of duty to inform you Sir that I have not discovered that Contrition for past crimes which the inormity of them and the danger approaching ought to have produced—fear however, has opporated on many—Some have departed the country others...
As they army are to March in two Collums, and the Quarter Master Genl takes the Immediate charge of the right wing I conclude my Services will be no longer Necessary, and the Quarter Master Genl can have the Assistance of the Quartermaster General of the State with his Deputies who are Numerous and I presume if well managed will be Sufficient therefore I beg leave to inform you that I shall...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 21, 1794. “Messrs. Thos. Billington & Guy Bryan, having contracted for the general clothing for 1795 the Blankets excepted, they have requested an advance of 15 or 20,000 Dols.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. See Coxe to H,...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 21, 1794. “By desire of T. Francis Esqr. agent I have the honor to request that a warrant may be issued in his name for twenty five thousd. Dollars for the public service.” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. Tench Francis.
[ London, October 21, 1794. On January 21 1795, Hamilton wrote to Pinckney : “Your letter of the 21st of October by duplicates … has recently come to hand.” Letter not found. ]
From Colo. Mentges’ information, there are detachments of Militia a considerable distance in the rear; compose⟨d⟩ in part, of those whose march was designe⟨d⟩ to be arrested. He adds, many of them are illy clad. This being the case, it appears to me, that an expence, without an equivalent advantage, would result from bringing them forward; and that the cloaths which they must draw to fit them...
From Colo. Mentges’ inf⟨or⟩mation, there are detachments of Militia a considerable distance in the rear; composed in part, of those whose march was designe⟨d⟩ to be arrested. He adds, many of them are illy clad. This being the case, it appears to me, that an expence, without an equivalent advantage, would result from bringing them forward; and that the cloaths which they must draw to fit them...
I have the honor to transmit you, enclosed, the copy of another letter just received from Colonel Pickering, dated the 8th instant. I am, with the highest respect, Sir, Your most obt Servt LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW .
A New York paper of yesterday declares in the most express terms, that the British instruction of the 8th of June 1793, so far as relates to the carrying of corn, meal and Flour to France, is revoked. It comes in such a shape, that I believe it; and we may hourly expect something on that head. You recollect, that this was the first order, which bore upon the United States, and is the same,...
I have received a letter from Wilson Nicholas, who expresses the most unqualified resentment against the insurgents, as being the sense of Albemarle county in Virginia. Mr Madison & his new associate arrived here last night. I have not had any conversation with him of a pointed or very interesting kind. I only discover an absolute detestation of the insurrection, and a full Opinion, that the...
79879October [1794] (Washington Papers)
1st. Left the Trap early, and breakfasting at Potts grove 11 Miles we reach Reading to Dinner 19 Miles farther where we found several detachmts. of Infantry & Cavalry preparing for their March to Carlisle. Pottsgrove (Pottstown), on the northeast bank of the Schuylkill River, at this time contained about 90 dwellings, “several . . . neat and commodious,” and a Quaker meetinghouse ( SCOTT [2]...
A Passage of 28 days, landed me & my fellow Passengers safe on the shore of England— Our desire was to be put on shore at Dover, but the tide being against us from the place where the Vessel came to, we were obliged to put in to Deal; a little swindling village a few miles above Dover; here we landed, & asif we had been made of Gold or something more precious, the people were crouding round us...
I thank you my beloved for your letter of the 14th. I am very sorry that some of my sweet angels have been again sick. You do not mention my precious John. I hope he continues well. The day after tomorrow I march with the army. Be assured that there is not the least appearance of opposition from the Insurgents & that I shall take the greatest care of myself & I hope by the Middle of November...
[ Wilmington, North Carolina, October 20, 1794. On December 15, 1794, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., wrote to Hill: “Your favour of Oct. 20th. addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, has been rec’d.” Letter not found. ] Hill was United States attorney for the District of North Carolina. Wolcott’s letter to Hill reads as follows: “Your favour of Oct. 20th. addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury,...
I have it in special instruction from the President of the United States, now at this place, to convey to you on his behalf, the following instructions for the general direction of your conduct in the command of the Militia army, with which you are charged. The objects for which the militia have been called forth are. 1. To suppress the combinations which exist in some of the western counties...
79884[Diary entry: 20 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
20th. Called the Quarter Master General, Adjutant General, Contractor, & others of the Staff departmt. before me, & the Commander in chief, at 9 Oclock this morning, in order to fix on the Routs of the two Columns & their Stages; and to know what the situation of matters were in their respective departments—and when they wd. be able to put the Army in motion. Also to obtain a correct return of...
I have the honor to submit you the Copy of a letter just received from Colonel Pickering. I have conceived that it might be attended with good effects to assuage in the mind of the Governor, of this state, and of the militia Army, any apprehensions they may have entertained respecting the hostility of the six nations. Had they refused Colonel Pickerings invitation, the aspect would have been...
Being about to retur⟨n⟩ to the seat of Government, I cannot t⟨ake⟩ my departure without conveying thro⟨ugh⟩ you to the Army under your command, t⟨he⟩ very high sense I entertain of the enlightened and patriotic zeal for the Constitution and the Laws, which has led them ⟨so⟩ chearfully to quit their families and home⟨s⟩ and the comforts of private life, to undertake, and thus far to perform, a...
I wrote to you by direction of the President from Cumberland the 18 Inst: but on our arrival here last evening we found that the Express who carried the letter had been stopped & thrown into prison at this place on account of some expressions he had used, which were not relished by the soldiery. The President directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14, which met him...
Mrs Washington having written herself, I need not add, that I saw her this morning in good health. A partial report from the army, leaves it extremely doubtful whether Swanwick will not be elected. Dunlap’s paper of this morning gives the numbers there; and those corps, whose votes have not been stated; will have a majority of eighty six votes in favor of Swanwick to bring up, before...
My anxiety has been awakened by the absence of all the expresses, which have probably reached Williamsport, since Sunday the 12th instant. But the general opinion is easy, from a conviction, that you will not encounter hostility, but will rather be occupied with milder arrangements for the restoration of order. Mr Rittenhouse has certified to me the distress of the mint for money; and Mr...
Letter not found: from Martha Washington, 20 October. On this date, Edmund Randolph wrote to GW: “Mrs Washington having written herself, I need not add, that I saw her this morning in good health.”