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Results 79861-79910 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Col. Mentges delivered me your letter from Hartley’s —Upon interrogating him, I do not find that...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 23 Oct. 1794. On 2 Nov., GW wrote Pearce: “I have received...
The letter from Dr Edwards, which I have the honor of inclosing, is remarkable; as it comes from...
This moment the merchants have addressed a letter to me, requesting the appointment of an agent...
I received a few days ago your friendly enquiries after my health. I have had a painful and...
Having contracted for a number of vessels for the timber for the Frigates in the middle &...
There is a report here, that a captain in the militia, who went from Philadelphia, and received...
The merchants have not yet made their report, as to the appointment of an agent. I cannot account...
Since my arrival from Carlisle I have been waited on for news, by great numbers of people of...
As they army are to March in two Collums, and the Quarter Master Genl takes the Immediate charge...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 21, 1794. “Messrs. Thos. Billington & Guy Bryan,...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 21, 1794. “By desire of T. Francis Esqr. agent I...
[ London, October 21, 1794. On January 21 1795, Hamilton wrote to Pinckney : “Your letter of the...
From Colo. Mentges’ information, there are detachments of Militia a considerable distance in the...
From Colo. Mentges’ inf⟨or⟩mation, there are detachments of Militia a considerable distance in...
I have the honor to transmit you, enclosed, the copy of another letter just received from Colonel...
A New York paper of yesterday declares in the most express terms, that the British instruction of...
I have received a letter from Wilson Nicholas, who expresses the most unqualified resentment...
79879October [1794] (Washington Papers)
1st. Left the Trap early, and breakfasting at Potts grove 11 Miles we reach Reading to Dinner 19...
A Passage of 28 days, landed me & my fellow Passengers safe on the shore of England— Our desire...
I thank you my beloved for your letter of the 14th. I am very sorry that some of my sweet angels...
[ Wilmington, North Carolina, October 20, 1794. On December 15, 1794, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., wrote...
I have it in special instruction from the President of the United States, now at this place, to...
79884[Diary entry: 20 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
20th. Called the Quarter Master General, Adjutant General, Contractor, & others of the Staff...
I have the honor to submit you the Copy of a letter just received from Colonel Pickering. I have...
Being about to retur⟨n⟩ to the seat of Government, I cannot t⟨ake⟩ my departure without conveying...
I wrote to you by direction of the President from Cumberland the 18 Inst: but on our arrival here...
Mrs Washington having written herself, I need not add, that I saw her this morning in good...
My anxiety has been awakened by the absence of all the expresses, which have probably reached...
Letter not found: from Martha Washington, 20 October. On this date, Edmund Randolph wrote to GW:...
I embrace the earliest opportunity to acquaint you of our safe & happy arrival at this place...
79892[Diary entry: 19 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
19th. In company with Genl. Lee, who I requested to attend me, that all the arrangements...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 18, 1794. “I have the honor to inclose to you a...
Bennington [ Vermont ] October 18, 1794 . “Noah Smith Esquire has signified to me, that he has...
I have directed Mr Dandridge to acknowledge the recet of your public dispatches of the 13. Inst.,...
I mentioned in my letter of yesterday a slight indisposition of Mrs Washington. To day she is...
I have been employed this morning in communicating to the sufferers under British depredations Mr...
Letter not found. Ca. 18 October 1794, Philadelphia. Acknowledged in Jones to JM, ca. 28 Oct....
The President directs me to acknowlege the receipt of your letter of the 16th—enclosing one from...
I judge it proper to keep you apprised of every thing material which occurs in the department and...
79901[Diary entry: 17 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
17th. & 18th. Remained at Cumberland, in order to acquire a true knowledge of the...
Foreign Intelligence is conveyed to you so quickly and domestic occurrences have been so...
I have the honor to transmit you, enclosed, copies of two letters received from Governor Blount...
Le citoyen Legaux mon mari, obligé il y a peu pres huit ans de quitter la goideloupe par les...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 17 Oct. 1794. On 2 Nov., GW wrote Pearce: “I have received...
It is circulated here, that Mr Fauchet has declined doing any business, until he shall learn his...
I purpose to execute, what Mr Jay recommends in his letter of the 23d of August, just received; a...
Agreeable to intimation I have been enquiring for accommodations for you but to no purpose unless...
79909[Diary entry: 16 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
16th. After an early breakfast we set out for Cumberland—and about 11 Oclock arrived there. Three...
It is contrary to my disposition upon any occasion, and particularly on the present Expedition,...