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Results 79831-79860 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have received the letter which you did me the honor to write me of the 1st instant—I feel the...
Colonel Shrieve informs me that several persons who had been made prisoners by the Indians, have...
Your letter of the 15th Ultimo was handed me by Capn Beall. That you may not be embarrassed for...
I was favd a few days ago with a letter from you by Mrs Yorke. I wish it had been in my power to...
79835General Orders, 8 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Ordered, That the regimental Pay-Masters be required on the settlement of their accounts to...
At the Request of Captn Calmes who is desirous of leaving the Service. I do certify that to the...
Early last Fall I wrote to Mr Mitchell for one dozn Table Cloths, and while I quartered at...
I have lately received a letter from Genl Bayley of Cohaas, by which I am Sorry to find he is...
I am mortified exceedingly that my Letter from Philadelphi⟨a,⟩ with the several inclosures, did...
I shall make no other Apology for my long Silence, than candidly telling You the Cause of it....
Your Excellencys Favour of yesterday I recd. The men that returned from the Indian country I was...
I have written you two Letters since October last, which I am informed will not reach you sooner...
We the Officers of Colo. Henry Jackson’s Detachment, in behalf of Ourselves and Soldiers, beg...
After having concluded my Letter of the 1st continued to the 7th Inst. I was honored with your...
Our last Assembly resolved that Ge[nera]l Nelson be directed to purchase four geldings to be sent...
79846General Orders, 9 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Captain Jeremiah Brewen is to superintend the Artificers during the absence of Colonel Baldwin &...
I had the honor of your favor of the 5th Instant. I am much obliged to you for that attention you...
I was appointed on the 3d January—76 a first Lieut. in the Regiment late Smallwood’s, and served...
The Memoral of Jotham Horton of Boston, a Capt. in the Continental Train of Artillery, Humbly...
I recd yours respecting Mr Archer a few days ago, but I have been so exceedingly engaged that I...
I am honoured with your Excellency’s favour of the 3d instant inclosing the depositions which I...
Shall I get the favor of you to deliver the inclos’d Letter to Mrs Washington? I brought it with...
I have your favs. of the 2d and 4th instants and am pleased to hear of Genl Tryons speedy retreat...
Our Field Officers desire me to request your Opinion on the following Questions, as they judge...
I have recd yours of this morning. I do not conceive that the 4th Article of the Resolve of...
I have the hono’r to inform your Excellency, that some time after Colo. Jacksons Corps arriv’d in...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 14th, Ulto. It gives me the greatest Pain...
at a Request of Lt Colonel Regnier made to your Exellency at Valley Forge, to have a Board of...
79859General Orders, 10 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Colonel C. Hall is appointed to superintend the Hospital at Brunswick and relieve Colonel...
By His Excellency GEORGE WASHINGTON, Esq; General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the...