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Results 79801-79830 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I will not trouble your Excellency upon the subject of the Convention Troops more than what you will have in reading my letter to Sir Henry Clinton, and I make no doubt but Your Excellency has been informed of all the particulars by Mr Harvie, and I live in the earnest hope that some positive remedy will be applied in redress of the present situation of the Convention Troops—According to your...
I am favor’d with your Excellency’s Letter of the 22nd Ultimo, respecting the tryal of Col: Mason &c., and have given the necessary information to the party’s concern’d—But as it will be some time before they can get prepared, I thought it best to defer the appointment of the Court Martial, till the 25th Inst., when I have informed them that they must attend at this place. I had previous to...
Inclosed is a letter which I had written your Excellency, previous to the receipt of your favor by Mr Keen —If Congress have not given you official notice of their intentions relative to the defence of the Western frontier—You will be pleased to regard my letter on the subject in the light of a private and confidential intimation. I am with great regard and esteem Your Excellencys most obedt...
Your Excellency will perceive, on a settlement of Coll Lewis’s Accounts as Deputy Qr Mr Genl, a State of which we have furnished him with, that there is due to him, a Ballance of Twenty thousand five hundred and twenty seven pounds fourteen shillings—equal to Fifty one Thousand, three hundred and Nineteen Dollars & 2/8, for which Ballance we have this day, requested Your Excellency to grant a...
79805General Orders, 5 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
The Court Martial of which Colonel Williams is President is adjourned to Elizabethtown to meet at Smith’s Tavern on monday next at ten oClock. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date concludes with the following additional general orders: “The Regimental Paymasters are to apply for decembers Pay. “Fatigue from the 2nd Maryland Brigade the...
Brigadier General McIntosh having requested from Congress leave to retire from the command to the Westward, they have, by a Resolve of the 20th Feby, granted his request, and directed me to appoint an Officer to succeed him —From my opinion of your Abilities, your former acquaintance with the back Country, and the knowledge you must have acquired upon this last tour of duty, I have appointed...
It may not be amiss, to acquaint your Excellency, that Council have declined recommending persons desirous of passing into the enemys lines, from this state, and have referred back to Congress, a business, wherein they found others in publick stations interfering, without any reprehension from that Honorable Body, altho the irregularity has been laid before them several months since. At the...
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed three Acts of Congress of this day—One for accepting the Resignation of Brigadier Genl Warnum, another accepting the Resignation of Major Pawling of Colonel Malcolm’s Regiment, and the third authorizes your Excellency at your discretion to settle with the Enemy a Cartel for the Exchange of Prisoners. I have the Honor to be Sir Your Excellency’s...
Agreable to your Excellencys request Genl Greene, The Adjutant General, and myself, met yesterday, on the subject of Amorers, the better keeping of cartridges &c. I shewed them the inclos’d proposals, which I drew up at Philadelphia and presented to the board of War who approved of the same. I likewise shewed them to General Steuben who in consequence wrote the Letter and regulations of Which...
The prest of Congress a few days ago transmitted me a Resolve, of which the inclosed, is Copy by which they have directed me to appoint an Officer to succeed you in the command to the Westward, you having requested to be releived from that duty —I have in obedience thereto directed Colo. Brodhead to take the command, and have desired him to make application to you for a communication of all...
Letter not found : from Timothy Pickering, 5 March 1779. GW wrote Pickering on 10 March : “I had the honor of your letter of the 5th Inst. with its inclosures.”
Your Excellencys obliging favor of 26 Ulto was handed me by Cap. Walker with the first part of the Regulations for the Exercise of the Infantry. I am much obliged by your Excellencys remarks on that Manuscript which I have corrected agreable thereto, and that it may not be defficient in perspicuity and correctness of diction I have submitted it to the Correction of a Gentleman in Town in order...
79813General Orders, 6 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The fifth Campaign drawing near Towards Opening, and Lake Champlain (from the last Intelligence) being broke up, and the Enemy’s Ships of Force and Scouting-parties Every day expected down the Lake; which may Annoy and Massacree the Frontier Inhabitants, has given rise to great uneasiness, as this Frontier is but weakly guarded and widely extended, which has Induced the Governor of this Infant...
I am directed by my Councel and the General Assembly of this State, to recommend to your Excellency the present unhappy situation of the inhabitants of the northern Frontiers of this State, and to pray your Excellency’s Interposition for their future relief. The contiguous situation of those inhabitants to the Enemy, has rendered their Safety perculiarly uncertain from the first commencement...
The annexed Letter written previous to the Receipt of Your Excelly’s favor of the 3d inst. will serve as an Answer to the principal part of its contents. The intelligence I have to communicate to Your Excelly is I apprehend, no more than will have already been transmitted to you by the Delegates of your State. It is in brief as follows—That the King of Spain has declared he will not be an...
By the inclosed copy of a resolution of the 25 of feby last, you will perceive it is the desire of Congress that some offensive expedition should be carried on against the Indians, the ensuing campaign. With an eye to a measure of this kind, I have some time since directed preparations to be made at such places as appeared to me most proper for the purpose; to be completed by the 1st day of...
Immediately upon receipt hereof you are to proceed with your Regiment to Co’os—You are to March in three divisions for the benefit of covering your Men, at Night—You will see the whole put in motion before you leave your present Incampment, and will appoint one or more Officers, as the case may require, to collect your straglers & bring up your rear. Let your Rout be properly marked & allow a...
I do myself the honor to transmit you the Returns of the Officers and Men of the Virginia line who are intitled to the donation of six Months pay, except the Return of the 13th Regt which is at Fort Pitt and that of Colo. Harrison’s Regt of Artilly which has not been yet brought in: Upon consulting the Officers of your State, they were of opinion that the donation intended for the privates...
In Consequence of your Excellency’s orders to Lieutenant Col: North, with Respect to the French vessel the Marion—or Mary, taken by the english, But lost near sandy Hook, that Gentleman has call’d upon me here to Inform me thereof, and of the Sale he has made of the vessel & appurtenances, excepting the sails & Rigging: I have Requested of him to Sell by Public vendüe the Remaining articles &...
I herewith transmit your Excellency the last news papers, which I have obtained from New-York. I also inclose you an extract of intelligence, respecting a fleet of victuallers, with some troops, said to be preparing to sail for Georgia. The fidelity of the writer is hitherto unquestionable. The report of the 1500 troops from Rhode Island, I am induced to suppose without foundation. Some time...
Mr Laurance delivered me your estimate of the strength and position of the Enemy at New York and its dependencies. I have since been favd with yours of the 4th instant. I shall endeavour to reinforce your post by the time the nine months men are about leaving you, so that I hope the enemy will be disappointed should they have such intentions as have been communicated to you. Since I sent up...
It has not been from want of atention to your Excellencys commands that I have not sent you the several Articles you wrote for, long ere this; but it has not been in my power to procure them sooner. I have sent the Queens ware, Candle-sticks & Snuffers by a Waggon who setts off this day, they are as carefully packed as I cou’d get them, & hope they will get safe to Head Quarters the...
Upon reciept of this Letter you will put Hazens regiment in motion—Inclosed are his instructions—his whole Regiment is to march —You will please to put the remaining part of Poors Brigade under Marching Orders—their destination will be pointed out in a Subsequent Letter —and you will use the most effectual means to cause every Officer & Soldier now on furlough, or who may obtain leave of...
His Excellency Governor Henry having requested that a General Officer might be sent to the State of Virginia to superintend the recruiting service and that some of inferior Rank might also be sent to take charge of the Recruits when collected and march them to Camp, I have appointed you to that service and inclose you a list of such Officers already in Virginia upon command and Furlough as are...
Letter not found : from Peter Scull, 6 March 1779. GW wrote Scull on 11 March : “I have recd yours of the 6th instant inclosing the Resolves of Congress relative to the Cloathing due the Army for the Year 1777.”
Congress having determined upon an Expedition of an extensive nature agt the hostile tribes of the Indians of the six Nations, the command is offered to Majr General Gates as senior Officer, but should he decline, it is my wish it should devolve upon you—That no time may be lost by General Gates’s non-acceptance, I have put this letter under cover to him, and have desired him to forward it to...
79828General Orders, 7 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date includes the following general order: “A Captain 3 Subs: 3 serjeants & 58 Rank & file for Fatigue Tomorrow to parade at nine oClock in the morning.” (orderly book, 22 Dec. 1778–26 June 1779, DNA : RG 93, Orderly Books, 1775–1783, vol. 28).
In Consequence of a Complaint made to me by James Hallett an Inhabitant of this State against Lieut. Colo. Holdridge I inclose your Excellency Copies of two Affidavits taken on the Subject not doubting that your Excellency will (if you can with Propriety interfere) give such Orders respecting the Matter as will insure to the Party complaining the Justice to which he is entitled. I am With the...
The fore going is a Duplicate of my letter of the Date there in mentioned, and as I have not received your Excellencys answer to it, I am apprehensive that it has not reached Head Quarters. I beg your Excellency will please to observe that my Regiment has not received a Blankit to every two Men—and we have nothing Provided for Sumer Cloathing—I have applied to Genl Putnam for orders with...