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Results 79801-79830 of 184,431 sorted by author
 Note of Mr. Barnes’s Dr. & Cr. Dr. Cr. 1795 Apr. 14. Nett proceeds of 2800 } 6. pr. Cents...
Could you do me the favor to come a quarter or half an hour before the company, say at three a...
Your letter of Jan. 31. did not come to hand till yesterday evening. I think it was in 1799. or...
My letter of yesterday was public. this is to cover one to M. and M e Pini, which, as you are...
I have recieved your letter and am very happy to find you have made such rapid progress in...
I am much obliged by your kind attention to the three pipes of wine brought to Baltimore for me....
I recieved yesterday your favor of 2 d proposing to our University the purchase of a...
Th: Jefferson must apologise to mr Girardin for not sending an answer to his note of the day...
The purpose of the present is to acknowlege the receipt of your letter of March 1786. and to...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you for a moment in Charlottesville , I understood you were on...
Agreeably to the assurance given in my message at the opening of the present session of Congress,...
Th: Jefferson will be obliged to mr Barnes if he can furnish him two sums of 50. D. each in bank...
Your favor of the 24th. is duly recieved. I consider the erection of the Representatives chamber,...
The letters of Trenchard, Williamson & Leonard, which I recieved from you the last week, I...
Your favor of the 19 th is recieved, and I percieve I have been taken in, and it is not for the...
I return you the petitions of the inhabitants of Sag-harbor and of the Keeper of the Light house...
Your letter of Jan. 11. did not reach me till the last of Feb. and as I then expected to have a...
I now transmit to the Senate the information requested in their resolutions of the 28th. instant...
I regret that I am obliged to withdraw from membership in the association of the mutual fire...
Feb. 27. 1806. Information from Vermonet. St. Augustine. The town & fort of St. Augustine contain...
It gives me the greatest pain, dear Sir, to make a serious complaint to you.   from the letter...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 24 th inst. covering an invitation to some one of the...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 30 th your advances for me have been unreasonably great...
I communicate to Congress an Extract of a letter from Governor Claiborne to the Secretary of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Bradley and now returns him the papers of Judge...
Your favor of Mar. 14. 07. was duly recieved with the copy you were so kind as to send me of your...
Your favor of the 5th. has been duly recieved, and I thank you for the statement of business to...
I lately recieved from mr Fernagus de Gelone the inclosed list of books which he desired me to...
As the conditions of our commerce with the French and British Dominions, are important, and a...
I have the honor to acknolege the receipt of your favor of yesterday covering the letter of Mr....