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Results 79801-79830 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
This is the first fair morning we have had since you left me. you must have had an unpleasent journey Sunday the afternoon was pleasent, but Monday & twesday very rainy. I was anxious to learn how the Election went in Boston and sent to inquire last Evening of mr Black if he had heard from Town, and to my great Satisfaction learnt that mr Ames was chosen there; by what majority I did not hear....
I hereby testif.—that Jacob Baur has lived with me in this City, since christmas last past, in the quality of Valet de chambre and Butler. that he has discharged the duties of the above [trusts] with fidelity, promptness and sobriety; and that in all respects he has demeaned himself so as to merit my approbation. DS , DLC:GW . The scribe apparently wrote “wusts.”
I have received Your Favor with the Letters inclosed but I did not receive it till last Week, owing to my not knowing that there was a Letter for me in the Office till it had lain there some time, and I then being from Home did not get it immediately, nor for some days, thro’ a mistake also on Accot of another Letter that had come to the Office for me in the mean time. And since, I have waited...
I have the honor of inclosing to you the translation of a letter from Mr Fauchet; and to request your instruction, whether it may not be better to grant a pardon under the peculiar circumstances of the case. I ought to have added, when you did me the honor of calling at the office this morning, that the lists, for which Colo. Hamilton has written, were copied at the desire of Mr Peters and Mr...
I last week informed you I had packed up the china and sent it on board a vessell commanded by Capt. Lambert (his name is Lambeth) who expected to sail the next day. He goes to the house of Lloyd and Sparks of Philadelphia. A spell of rainy weather that commenced while he was loading has detained him untill to day, so that you may expect him soon after the receipt of this letter. I inclose the...
The object of the present letter is to satisfy a request made to me by Mr. Blake soon after his first arrival in this country and now repeated at the moment of his intended departure—namely that I would give him a letter recommendatory to you. Although you have now retired from public life, and will probably therefore have no occasion of seeing or serving Mr. Blake, and if you had would have...
I have returned to this place from Union Town. A letter from Governor Lee which goes with this probably informs you of the plan of future operations —but lest it should not I shall briefly state it. The right wing is to take a position with its left towards Budds ferry & its right toward Greensburgh. The left wing is to be posted between the Yocghagani & Monongalia with its left towards the...
I have returned to this place from Union Town. A letter from Governor Lee which goes with this probably informs you of the plan of future operations —but lest it should not I shall briefly state it—The right wing is to take a position with its left towards Budds ferry & its right towards Greensburgh—The left wing is to be posted between the Yocghagani & Monongalia with its left towards the...
I have the honor to submit to your view an estimate of Goods which has been made out by James Seagrove the Agent for the Creeks. The only question in my mind on the subject of this estimate is its amount, and yet when the importance of conciliating the Creek Indians be considered as well as their numbers, I respectfully submit it as my opinion that the amount of the estimate be furnished him...
Letter not found: from Henry Lee, c.3 Nov. 1794. On 3 Nov., Alexander Hamilton wrote GW, “A letter from Governor Lee which goes with this probably informs you of the plan of future operations.”
It is in my mind an Age since I had the Honor of a Letter from you—I have often wrote by Different Conveyences—I hope some have arrived Safe, to shew Your Excellency that my Personal Respect & Regard can only End with my Life . In the present Critical Situation of Affairs in Europe, & respected America, I cannot Expect a Line of Politics or Even opinions from you, as the miscarriage or opening...
We arrived here last night in good Season. The Roads were not very bad, and the Weather, tho Showery, was not inconvenient. M r Freeman the Son of our late Neighbours at Milton and a M r Thorp of New York were our Companions in the Stage. M r Freeman is a very agreable Man. I never travelled with any Man more assiduous to make me comfortable. At Church I met my Old Friends Governor Huntington...
By the Ship John, Capt n. Duer I gave you information of our safe arrival at London, and I now embrace the earliest opportunity of acquainting you that on the evening of the 31 st of October we reached the place of our destination. We left London on the evening of the 28 th. and reached Harwitch the next day at noon; about 5 oClock we got under Sail on board a Packett for Helvoetsluys with a...
I have had neither leizure for, nor opportunity of, writing to you since I did it from Carlisle, ’till my return to this place; which happened on Tuesday last. In the meantime I have received your several letters of the 28th of Septr—and 5th 17th and 23d of last month. As the accident I met with in June last, prevented my riding about my farms when I was last at home, I should have been very...
Who is the one which dwelling and looks on his Judgment Seat below on the Poor and Needy Make them to an Instrument Next the Rulers and a Mother of Joy all those Persons Lays their hand upon the sword will go thro their own soul their I am under Sufferings for your Honor which has grev’d me As tho a sword had come thro’ my soul I could feel no more Pain I must be Prosecuted thro the thirteen...
As I hear there is a probability of a new printer being wanted for the House of Representatives, I take the liberty to Solicit Your interest in favour of Mr. Francis Bailey, by whom, You may rest assured, the work of every kind will be executed to perfect Satisfaction. If Mr. Childs and Mr. Swaine should resign the business; I make no doubt but Your influence with Mr. Beckley will be exerted...
Your passing through this Country without giving me the pleasure of seeing you was no small disappointment, and having some acquaintance with the amiable Lady to whom you are now united, my disappointment was not lessened from that circumstance. I requested Mr. Balmain not only to make known our wishes, but to let us know when you came to Town, that Mrs. White and myself might have waited on...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, November 1, 1794. “Mr. James Byers applies for four hundd. Doll. on a/count of his contract for casting ten brass Howitzers dated the 23rd day of July 94.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. Byers was a resident of Springfield,...
An apt begining to a letter containing a prescription. Put on sheeps clothing. It will cure rheumatic pains, is comfortable in winter, after one summer not unpleasant in that season, less unpleasant than linen in all seasons, when we perspire freely. Probatum est . You send Kuster for my perusal. I can peruse nothing but court pa pers. This employment by habit is become delectable. In it I...
Extrait d’un pamphlet publié dans le milieu d’8bre. 1794 à Geneve, Signé par Ete. Pestre l’un des principaux révolutionnaires Genevois . Après avoir prouvé par l’histoire ancienne et par celle de Geneve que les bannissemens ont toujours fait le mal des Etats qui ont admis cette peine, “Il me reste,” dit l’auteur révolutionnaire, “à donner mon opinion sur le rappel des Exilés Genevois. Je vais...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 31, 1794. Encloses “the contracts of Mess. Scott & Ernest for the supplies of Rations therein expressed for the year 1795.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. Alexander Scott and Matthew Ernest. See Coxe to H, first and third letters...
By pushing through the rain (which fell more or less on Saturday, Sunday and Monday) I arrived in this City before noon on Tuesday; without encountering any accident on the road, or any thing so unpleasant as the badness of the ways, after the rain had softened the earth and made them susceptible to deep impression, of the Wheels. How you passed through the Glades after the various accounts we...
The New Jersey Infantry and Brigade of Cavalry are at this place. The Pensylvania Infantry will be here this Evening. The light Corps is advanced about two Miles. No official account, since that heretofore communicated has come from the left wing. But a person who came from Union-Town yesterday informs, the Morgan with the advance was there—the main body about twenty miles behind. I propose in...
By pushing through the rain (which fell more or less on Saturday, Sunday and Monday) I arrived in this City before noon on Tuesday; without encountering any accident on the road, or any thing so unpleasant as the badness of the ways, after the rains had softened the earth and made them susceptible of deep impression, of the Wheels. How you passed through the Glades after the various accounts...
The New Jersey Infantry and Brigade of Cavalry are at this place—The Pensylvania Infantry will be here this Evening—The light Corps is advanced about two Miles. No official account, since that heretofore communicated has come from the left wing —But a person who came from Union-Town yesterday informs, that Morgan with the advance was there—the main body about twenty miles behind—I propose in...
Altho’ you are not personally acquainted with Benj n . Vaughan Esq r ., a Member of Parliam t —an amiable & a worthy Gentl n . yet I am persuaded that his character and attachm t . to our Country are known to You. In the Correspondence between M r . Jefferson & M r . Hammond, his agency respecting the Negociations ^for the Treaty^ of Peace, became more prominent, than could be agreable or...
Boston, October 30, 1794. Requests payment of “Three hundred & seventy five Dollars for a quarters Salary due” to him “as Commissioner of the United States Loan Office in the State of Massachusetts to 30th September 1794.” ALS , RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1894, Account No. 6118, National Archives. Warrant No. 4232 was issued to Appleton for this amount on December 2, 1794 (...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 30, 1794. “… Messrs. Billington & Bryan the contractors for the Army clothing for 1795 have requested an advance of ten or fifteen thousd. Dolls. … The Contractors for the provisions for the Western Army for 1795 are desirous to receive the sum of 12.000 Drs.… as soon as possible.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue,...
Our light corps, the Jersey infantry & a brigade of cavalry are about 8½ Miles in front, beyond all the Mountains. This division which has been delayed by a somewhat worse route & the incumbrance of the public stores will be at the same place this Evening. The left wing is at a corresponding point. All is essentially well—No appearance of opposition. It is of great consequence that a law...
Be pleased to Submit to the President of the United States the enclosed letter from Genl Blount, of the 2d instant, containing the account of the destruction of two of the lower cherokee Towns. I am Yours respectfully ALS , DLC:GW . William Blount’s letter to Knox of 2 Oct. enclosed a copy of James Ore’s letter to Blount of 24 Sept., which described the destruction of the Cherokee towns of...