From George Washington to Major General Lafayette, 27 March 1779
To Major General Lafayette
Camp at Middlebrook Mar. 27th 1779.
My dear Marquis,
Mr Mason who will have the honor of presenting this letter to you is the Son of a Gentn of family fortune and influence in the state of Virginia—one who is a warm & zealous supporter of the rights of Mankind—and a particular friend of mine.
Want of health induces the young Gentn to travel, to see how far this blessing will be restored by a change of climate—to Montpelier, most probably, he will shape his course but as inclination may induce him to visit Paris or some other parts of France within the limits of your walks I shall without further apology take the liberty of recommending him to your notice & civilities.1
I wrote you very fully on the 10th Instt & committed the letter to Captn Mcqueen of So. Carolina an acquaintance of yours2—I wish it safe to hand & with every sentiment of the most perfect regard & Affection I have the honor to be Yrs &ca
Go: Washington
ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. George Mason had requested this letter of introduction for his son, George Mason, Jr. (see Mason to GW, 8 March; see also GW to Mason, and GW to Benjamin Franklin, both this date).
2. GW is referring to his letter to Lafayette begun on 8 March and completed on 10 March.