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Results 79751-79800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
With this you will receive my Decr Return, it is at a late day, by reason that some of my...
Inclosd is your Excellencys queries with the Answers; they are not so particular as I could wish;...
I am favd with yours of this morning. I have no particular Business with Colo. Hooper, I would...
I entered into ⟨the serv⟩ice with an Intention ⟨of⟩ supporting the Liberties of my Country. I am...
You will perceive by my passport of this date, to the Schooner Argyle, Magnus Crosbie master,...
I had the honor of writing you on the 13th Ulto informing you of pass-ports granted three british...
I have been a little surprised, that the several important pieces of intelligence lately received...
I have the honor herewith to transmit you, copy of a letter from General Maxwell, containing such...
Sir Henry Clinton in order to supply the British prisoners at Fort Frederick and Winchester with...
The unfavorable turn which Destiny taketh with me in this part of the world is the only apology I...
I am favd with yours of the 27th and 28th ulto containing a more particular account of the...
The State of Virginia having granted a gratuity of six Months pay to her Officers, and such of...
Letter not found : from Joseph Reed, c.1 March 1779. GW wrote Reed on 4 March : “Inclosed is a...
On the 24th Ult., at Saratoga, I had the Honor to receive your Excellency’s Favor of the 11th. In...
I recd your favor of the 10th Feby only three Days ago. I should have set out immediately for...
79766General Orders, 2 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date...
The forgoing list being submitted to me by you, for consideration, I shall observe that if the...
accept my thanks for your obliging Favor of the 23 Ult. and be pleased to add to the obligation...
Your Excellency’s Letters of the 24th & 26th Ulto with their several Inclosures have been...
At my return to Philadelphia from Middle Brook I found on my Table Your Excellency’s favor of the...
Inclosed you have An Act of this state for speedily recruiting the Virginia Regements on the...
I have to inform Your Excellency that I went to New Ark yesterday it being the begining of their...
Inclosed I transmit you your instructions —and letters for the officers commanding at the posts...
In your letter of the 25 Ulto you seem to have misconceived the intention of Congress, upon which...
I have recd your favr without date containing your Ideas of the kind of War necessary to be...
I am honor’d with your Excellencys Commands of the 10th & 14th Ulto. I have long since directed...
Inclosed you have the settlement of rank in the Maryland line by a board of General-Officers,...
I find that there will be occasion for larger Magazines of Provisions on the Susquehanna than...
79779General Orders, 3 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial whereof Colonel Hall is President is dissolved; at which court February...
Altho there have been no Hostilities committed by the Enemy during the Winter on the Western...
I am favd with yours of the 26 ulto by Colo. Malcom. Notwithstanding the many conveniencies that...
I have received the letter which Your Excellency did me the honor to write of the 26th of last...
The opinion that greater advantage results from communicating important Events to the People, in...
I was a few days ago honored with yours of the 18th ulto inclosing the depositions of several...
About a fortnight since, I sent you by Mr Laurance, fifty guineas —I have now given Colonel...
The President of Congress has transmitted me the instructions of the Assembly of your state to...
It would give me great pleasure were I able to afford protection and assistance to every part of...
Notwithstanding your letter of the 20th Ult. was directed to be forwarded in the most expeditious...
I have the honor to acknowlege the reciept of your Excellency’s esteem’d favor of the 14th of...
General Sullivan in a letter of the 20th Ulto mentions a civil process, carried on by the...
79791General Orders, 4 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date...
I propose, as soon as the different Gentleman concerned can comply with the direction of this...
I have been honoured with yours of the 25 ulto inclosing papers relative to the opposition of the...
The president of Congress has transmitted me Your Excellencys letter to the delegates of New...
Yesterday I had the Honour to receive your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Ulto from...
I am directed by the Board of Treasury to send to your Excellency the enclosed Letters and Bills...
I have the pleasure of acknowledging the Receipt of Your Excellency’s Favor of the 1st Inst.,...
I Have the Honor to inclose your Excellency the Report of the Auditors of the Northern Department...
In a few Days, I hope to be able to make your Excellency, a full report of every Department at...
A journey to Philadelphia in the Winter procured me the honor of Your Excellency’s favor of the...