George Washington Papers

Enclosure: Statement of Men in the Army, 24 November 1794

Statement of Men in the Army

Department of War November 24th 1794

Statement of the non commissioned Officers and privates in the service of the United States specifying the places where they are and the periods which they have still to serve.

Under General Wayne and at the posts on the
lower parts of the Ohio
Posts on the Upper parts of the Ohio, and on the march 398
South Western Territory 73
Georgia 146
Fortifications on the Sea Coast and at the
recruiting rendezvois
Inlisted in 1791 and will expire in 1794 202
Ditto 1792 and will expire before 30 June 1795 1607
Do will expire from 1 July to 31 Decemr 602
Do 1793 will expire in 1796 692
Do 1794 will expire in 1797 368
Muster rolls wanted for[,]
estimated to be enlisted in 1793 and 1794

H. Knox
secy of War

DS, DLC:GW; DS, DNA: RG 46, Entry 33; LB, DLC:GW.

Index Entries